Thursday 10 August 2017


Center verse: Act 9:6( KJV) " And he trembling and astonished said,Lord,what wilt thou have me to do?And the Lord said unto him,Arise,and go into the city,and it shall be told thee what thou must do"                                                                                                        TEXT: ACT 9:1-9. Some years back,a newspaper publisher carried an article of a man who has given his life to Christ. The thing that made his story outstanding was not his repentance, but the fact that as a result of his newfound faith in Christ, he confessed to the robbery he engaged with in a bank while he was under twenty. As he made such a confession, the man whose name was Johnson could not be prosecuted for the crime. Notwithstanding, he even willingly made a restitution of the stolen money. When we follow the Biblical account of conversion story, no one is greater to the conversion of Saul of Tarsus as narrated in our text. He was trained as a rabbi,raised up as a Jew and he became a single minded persecutor of the early Christian church. He had much hatred for Christ and Christianity that was while he did all possible thing under his authority to destroy the relationship. On part of his missions to follow a way which he believe was essential, he immediately realized from the vision of Christ that he had been on the wrong track. Christianity is definitely a religion of repentance. Whatever thing we confess and believe stand upon core fundamental and revolutionary promise: you are not suppose to be the way you are. Your life can instantly be transformed by God. Conversion is a certain miracle that occurs when God's life intersects with Man's personality. Once God is involved in your life,you cannot remain the same as you were before. Attending Church services is one thing: repentance is another thing entirely. Therefore evil habits of man has to be erased by the blood of the  Lamb Jesus Christ as he makes friend with him. Remember, understanding the mystery of life can only come through salvation. Further Bible verses: Daniel 10:7,Luke 3:10.


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I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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10 August 2017 at 00:11 delete

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