Tuesday, 1 August 2017


Center verse:Number 14:28(NIV).So tell them; As surely as I live , declares the Lord,I will d to you the very thing I heard you say:     Text: Number 14:26-39.The reference arrests one of the darkest moments of the life Israelites after their departure from Egypt. The children of Is real should ungodly character of murmuring, unbelief,and rebellion. They defeated the Egyptians but were arrested by pride,the enemy around. God frequently told the progressive generations of the Israelites that he had given them the land of the Canaanites. The only needful thing was for them to receive the word of God and believe him as God who cannot deceive those who trust in him,rather, they neglected him.                        Most of the spies who went to survey the land reported with bad news that paralysed the mind of the people,instead of having positive attitude of Joshua and Caleb, who confessed that the land was good and would be theirs since God has promised them the land.                                                                                              The children of Is real were undertaken by murmuring as recorded in Number 14:3. God heard their complaint and did to them equally what they confessed with their own mouth.                They all were destroyed in the wilderness,only a few like Joshua, Caleb and the young ones who did not grumble were left.               They equally wondered for 40 years in the wilderness as part of their punishment.                                                                                                 Believes should avoid the sin unbelief,rebellion and murmuring. This actions have the ability to destroy our relationship with God.                                                                                Remained: Defeating the enemy around is the centre to total liberation from sin.                                                                                     Further bible verses:Deuteronomy 1:35,Hebrew 1;17,Psalm 106:24,2,Corinthian 10:5.


About Unknown

I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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