Friday 18 August 2017


Center verse: Judges 11:35( KJV) " And it came to pass,when he saw her,that he rent his cloth,and said,Alas,my daughter! thou have brought me very low ,and thou art one of them that trouble me: for I have opened my mouth unto the LORD and I cannot go back." TEXT: JUDGES 11:29-40. An American author by name Vincent Norman Peale who was the messenger of the theory of" Power of positive thinking " realised once that " promises are like babies crying in the theatre; they should be taking away immediately. It is very shameful that,more than half of the promises made each day are not fulfilled. It is even more unfortunate when it comes to pledges people make to God without carried out. In the reference of today,Jephthah's vow,may be rather rash but not so his consecration to make the vow good. By the set up provided, Jephthah was a leader in Israel who lead them to war against the Ammonites. It was in a link with that war he vowed to God to offer whatsoever comes to the door to meet him,provided God will grant him victory. The Lord granted him total victory. But on his arrival, it was only his daughter child, that came out to meet him. It was actually very tormenting condition. But Jephthah would not withdrawn on his vow. He dedicated his only child to the Lord. Jephthah's motivating factor as regards his consecration to perform the vow and redeem a pledge, the sacrifice never mind,is worthy of emulation. This is the Biblical injunction on this matter:"when you make a vow to God,do not delay to fulfill it..... It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it.  Ecclesiastics 5:4,5(NIV). How boldly and faithful are you in maintaining your promises, not only to God but also to men? Remember, in the day of God's judgement, we are judged by promises kept,not by promises made and unfulfilled. Further Bible verse:Genesis 37:29, Ecclesiastes 5:2.


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I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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18 August 2017 at 00:14 delete

Defer not to maintain your promises.
