Sunday, 15 October 2017
Centre verse (John 15:13)"Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. "TEXT: JOHN 15:1-14.David and Jonathan had an outstanding friendship. Jonathan joyfully offered his crown to his friend, though he qualified in every aspect to wear it,the rightful heir to the throne after his father Saul. The uncommon relationship and love is admirable, still cannot be compared with that of the Saviour of mankind Jesus Christ, who poured out His precious blood, not for His friends alone, but for His enemies. This thing occurred in the agony of death and he prayed for His Father to pardon His executors because of their ignorance. The writer of psalms encourages you to love the son as a gift of friendship with Him. When someone accepts the love of Christ, it will bring the person into a life-long and eternal agreement and friendship with Him hereafter. Obedience and total surrendered to Him is the only signs that you are His friend, remembering that ignoring His friendship will amount to divine indignation. REMEMBER THIS: JESUS is the true companion you need in life. Further Bible verses: Roman 5:7,8;John 3:16.
About Unknown
I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...