Monday, 21 August 2017


Center verse: Numbers 12:2( KJV) " And they said,Hath the LORD indeed spoken only by Moses?hath he not also spoken by us? And the LORD heard it" TEXT NUMBERS 12:1-8. A hero of well known Grecian sports was celebrated by his fellow citizens for his performance in public games. This caused strong emotion of jealously in the mind of one of his rivals. They said competitor made an attempt every night to destroy the statue. After steady efforts, he achieved in taking the statue from the base,and it fell,but in that effect destroyed him. Jealousy and envy are chronic diseases that cannot reserve their host. It was very unfortunate that Aaron and Miriam in their level of spirituality were entangled in that passion diseased against Moses. The servant of God Moses was not a visitor of criticisms and people's grumble but having proceed from his own family members, was most deadly. Their mission for jealously against Moses bordered on his marriage to a foreigner. But the truth of the matter here was their feeling of bitterness because of Moses higher profit and authority. The consequence for their action was leprosy punishment on Miriam after God had examined them. The situation management by Moses was mature. He did not defend himself over Miriam calamity. Indeed he prayed for her to be cleansed from the leprosy. That was one of the reasons he was regarded to be the meekest person on the earth. Whatsoever privileges man enjoys both spiritual and physical comes from God" no man taketh this honour into himself,but he that is called of God..... Every malicious word or movement made by anyone walking in the direction of sedition against the programmes of God will not go unpunished. Settle and pray this day to be free from the venom of jealously. Remember that jealously is being detected by others only at advanced and fatal stage, unlike an open wound. Further Bible verses: Exodus 15:20, Ezekiel 35:12,13.


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I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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