Friday, 11 August 2017


Center verse: Psalm 89:35( KJV) " Once have I sworn by my Holiness that I will not lie unto David" TEXT: PSALM 89:35-52. It has exceeded doubt that " With God all things are possible " Bible established it as stated by Lord Jesus Christ. Several experiences we have confirm to it. This reality must, however be placed in the right order. It is in accordance to His Almightiness. It does not denote that God is inclined to every deed. There is one thing God cannot do: anything that is not in convention with his type of his faithfulness, holiness and truth. Take for an example God cannot lie. God's agreement with David concerning the prosperity and continuity of his lineage on the Jewish throne were placed in two things: The oath and premise of God which cannot be broken. There is a sad complaint in our text as regard what the psalmist understood as a contradiction based on the promise of God and prevailing experience in David's house. He witnessed that contrary to God's promises, the treaty God had with him was being cancelled, thereby making it vulnerable to attack and ridicule by their enemies. Following the psalmist, we sometimes find it cumbersome to match the promises of God with our life experiences. Though we may get into such terrifying situations, it is rather impulsive to think that God has denied on His promises. God cannot lie. However, it has to be realized that God's promises are conditioned on our steady obedience to his commandments. There are also periods when our difficulties in life become chastisements from God which eventually work for our good and fulfilment of His promises. How suitable to know that it is " impossible for God to lie" (Hebrews 6:18). Stand unmovable on His promises by walking in the light of His word; let it be your habit of waiting in patience until He comes. Remember, God's faithfulness is not affected by our faith but our faith is driven by God's faithfulness. Further Bible verse:Amose 4:2.


About Unknown

I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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11 August 2017 at 22:17 delete

All power belongs to God.
