Wednesday 16 August 2017


Center verse: Isaiah 18:6( NIV) " They will all left to the mountain birds of prey and to the wild animals; the bird will feed on them all Summer, the wild animal all winter " TEXT: ISAIAH 18:1-7. Most animal have very strong inherent behaviours for protecting their little ones. A lioness cannot be in its extremely ferocious condition unless if it witnesses danger to their young. It is in the same way with the bear. The harmless hen also uses all its strength to fight off dangers to its chicks. Today's reference involves a prophecy that was totally regarded as esoteric. Many scholars of the Bible accept that it is a prophecy about the intervention of God in protection of the marginalised Jews against Assyrian warriors. It shows the threats of Sennacherib to the people of God. For the prophecy to be fulfilled, Sennacherib send his men to threaten the dwellers of Jerusalem. At the time the Assyrians considered that they had conquered the city for plundering, God used an Angel to destroy their soldiers. The bodies of Sennacherib army were " left together unto the fowls of the mountains,and to the beasts of the earth.... " Sennacherib children tormented him to death. Both Ethiopia and Judah were delivered miraculously from their Assyrian enemy. As a result of that,the nations returned praise and worship to God. God is still protecting his people today. Even when it appears Satan is gaining the upper hand and a child of God is losing out,our Father who at in heaven will swift to crush the wicked ones. We are not supposed to be afraid but rather move confidently and obediently with God. Remember, we are on the conquering side,if God is on our side. Further Bible verse: Psalm 68:31.


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I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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