Monday 14 August 2017


Center verse: Hebrews 13:25( KJV) " Grace be with you all. Amen"TEXT: HEBREWS 13:16-25. In the same way earth can yield nothing without the presence of the sunlight, so we cannot achieve anything without God's grace. A Christian at his best is nothing without the grace and mercy of God. Grace is God's discretionary and adoring favour given to whomsoever that repented of their sins. There is no moral and religious effort that can acquire it,because it comes only on Christ's merit and love for man. Outside his grace,no man can be saved. God mercifully pardons our iniquity and impart divine grace to revitalize our lives and make us His own. God shows Himself through His grace and mercy He manifests to His children. Grace is the presence of God's love through Jesus Christ transferred to believers by the Holy Spirit. By grace we have the thirst and power to do the will of God." For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say"No" to ungodliness and worldly passions,and to live self- controlled,upright and godly lives in this present age. Titus 2:11,12( NIV). We welcome grace to grow in Christ Jesus and preacher for Him. For this reason, the grace of God must carefully be admitted and sought after. Grace of God becomes sufficient in the lives of repented souls who study His word,obey and meditate on it; who pray and worship with other believers .In the period of persecution,we need God's grace. His promise in the time of trials and difficulties is" my grace is enough for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness ". Lunch into the unlimited grace of God today through prayer of faith in His love and faithfulness to His word. Remember, glory is grace perfected while grace is glory begun. Further Bible verse: Tutus 3:15.


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I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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14 August 2017 at 22:09 delete

Tap into the inexhaustible grace of God today.
