Sunday, 6 August 2017


Centre verse:Judges 14:3(KJV). "Then his father and his mother said unto him,is there not a woman among the daughters of their brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines?... Text: Judges 14:1-11. The conquering warriors of Alexander the Great once surprised much spoils of war that almost contributed to their defeat. They collected whatever they wanted so as to satisfy their covetousness: But there appeared downside to this error: it hindered their going and destroyed the efficiency of their combat. On the process of this, it was the period for the army to march into Persia for their next battle. Because of ineffectiveness of the troops, premonition of defeat loomed large among them. Alexandre ascribed this to the load of the luggage pleasure of plunder they carried on the journey. He commanded them to destroy the load. The combatants after much complaining obeyed the order and had their effective mobility regained that contributed success for his army. In the same way,Samson's action was his mind to seek and acquire whatever pleased him. And Samson told the father,get a strange woman for me; for she pleaseth me well." That was a desire to please himself and not God who had blessed him with great power,that weighed him down and hindered him from seeing ahead danger. This stupid action of his to entertain the flesh sent him into the arms of Delilah who led him to captivity and eventually death. The Christian soldiers must avoid the pursuit of worldly things that is a burden to our easy bag of holiness and self commitment to the mandate of Christ Jesus. The pleasure pursuit is a bondage that hinders Christ call to take his Yoke which is "easy" and " light" . You have to be aware as a believer that" No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. 2 Timothy 2:4(NIV). Remember, the passport to heaven does not permit for extra baggage. Further Bible verses: Genesis 24:3,4, Deuteronomy 7:3.


About Unknown

I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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6 August 2017 at 22:59 delete

The passport to heaven does not permit for extra baggage.
