Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Centre verse: Matthew 13:57(NIV) "And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them,A prophet is not without honour except in his own town and in his own home." TEXT MATTHEW 13:53-58. A Non Governmental Organization (NGO) in a community organized a competition for young people and a man followed reluctantly his son to the venue. As the competition commenced and his boy was doing well,the crowd started to applaud him. At the conclusion of the programme, he took the first prize. The man was surprised that the entire crowd offered his son a standing ovation while his mates and friends were singing songs of praise to him. The man at the initial time sitted in the crowd was timid of not desiring to be identified suddenly came forward in tears embraced his son with a sense of pride. The boy being the youngest in the family was never considered to be important in his home. Often,they left him at home at any special outings for they believed that he was just an ordinary son. We have learnt from experience that people are not receiving the best from their environment because they fail to appreciate their gifts and the fact that they may be God's deliverers. The excessive familiarly to a minister of God in the church is too bad,we fail to appreciate that relationship for unlimited blessings for our lives. We take our undue intimacy to a frivolous extent and scorn the gift of God in them with people we are well known. The reference point to our study today,reveals how the Israelites scorned the ministry of Christ and lost their moment of divine visitation only to the fact that they could locate his earthly parent(Joseph),the carpenter. Christ Jesus having seen their unbelief and their contempt for him,he was unable to perform many mighty miracles among them in that city. How frequently many of us enter into the same trap of unjustified familiarity that begets contempt. Are you in that group?retrace your steps today and learn to recognize and respect those whom it has pleased the Lord to make your spiritual head. Remember this: unjustified familiarity with spiritual heads closes the door against the flow of divine favours. Further Bible verses: Mark 6:3,4,John 4:44.
About Unknown
I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...