Thursday 31 August 2017


Centre verse:( Psalm 92:1,2)"It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most high: To shew forth thy loving kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night"TEXT: PSALM 92:1-15. A story was narrated of a commercial praise-singer, who sang a well known praise but covetous figure when it comes to a public ceremony. He fluently sought the historical feats of the figure's progeny,he remembered the extraordinary accomplishments over the years and celebrated his charismatic ability to solve difficult problems. Experiencing highly honoured, this well-known skinflint distributed in abundance the singer with a huge sum. As the singer continued, he took off his pair of costly shoes and traditional flowing top and handed it over to them as gifts. He was totally in love by the accolades showered on him that he could not oppose being generous, no matter it was only for that day. Christians who worship God open the websites of heaven. God is not a skinflint: He is always generous. Knowing the willingness of God to do more for us as we appreciate His goodness,David in our reference under consideration today declared that it is always good to give thanks unto the LORD. Neglecting to realize this reality, many people think of what they do not have. Therefore, they do not find it very important to praise the Lord. If we consider that we are still alive is a sufficient reason to worship God always. We have to realize that we are not better than those who have passed away. The psalms of David directs to people who do not appreciate God's life sustaining gifts such as the free air we breath,water, sun,moon,stars,the evergreen leaves,shrubs and trees of the forest as a fools. God is always ready to bless us.He needs righteousness that comes from repentance and faith in Christ's atoning blood of sacrifice that makes Christian flourish like a palm tree and grow like cedar in Lebanon. He also demands greatful heart that ptaise Him. REMEMBER THIS: Commendation is a sweet smelling savour to God. Further Bible verses: Psalm 147:1,89:1.

Wednesday 30 August 2017


CENTRE VERSE: ISAIAH 40:31(KJV). " But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles: they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk,and not faint." TEXT  ISAIAH 40:28-31.Man  has seven basic life flaws which impatience like anger is one of them. Every human being has the potential to be impatient, but for those people who have a concrete fear of missing out,impatience can become a dwelling arrangement. The definition of impatience is irrigation with everything that causes setback; a restless desire for change and excitement. An impatient person is the one that feels and shows hostility towards things which delays one's motives. When you wait for God,it does not show that you are lazy or idle in life. It does not reveal that you abandoned your efforts. It simply means you wait for your expectations to come to establishment. Learn to patient. Always focus on the brighter direction of life. That glory of the Lord shall be risen upon you;" Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged: because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee"( Isaiah 60:5). Therefore, relax!be patient! Further Bible verse: Hebrews 12:1-3.

Tuesday 29 August 2017


Centre verse: Matthew 13:57(NIV) "And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them,A prophet is not without honour except in his own town and in his own home." TEXT MATTHEW 13:53-58. A Non Governmental Organization (NGO) in a community organized a competition for young people and a man followed reluctantly his son to the venue. As the competition commenced and his boy was doing well,the crowd started to applaud him. At the conclusion of the programme, he took the first prize. The man was surprised that the entire crowd offered his son a standing ovation while his mates and friends  were singing songs of praise to him. The man at the initial time sitted in the crowd was timid of not desiring to be identified suddenly came forward in tears embraced his son with a sense of pride. The boy being the youngest in the family was never considered to be important in his home. Often,they left him at home at any special outings for they believed that he was just an ordinary son. We have learnt from experience that people are not receiving the best from their environment because they fail to appreciate their gifts and the fact that they may be God's deliverers. The excessive familiarly to a minister of God in the church is too bad,we fail to appreciate that relationship for unlimited blessings for our lives. We take our undue intimacy to a frivolous extent and scorn the gift of God in them with people we are well known. The reference point to our study today,reveals how the Israelites scorned the ministry of Christ and lost their moment of divine visitation only to the fact that they could locate his earthly parent(Joseph),the carpenter. Christ Jesus having seen their unbelief and their contempt for him,he was unable to perform many mighty miracles among them in that city. How frequently many of us enter into the same trap of unjustified familiarity that begets contempt. Are you in that group?retrace your steps today and learn to recognize and respect those whom it has pleased the Lord to make your spiritual head. Remember this: unjustified familiarity with spiritual heads closes the door against the flow of divine favours. Further Bible verses: Mark 6:3,4,John 4:44.

Monday 28 August 2017


Centre verse: Revelation 18:17( KJV) " For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ship,and sailors, and as many as trade by sea stood afar off. TEXT: REVELATION 18:9-20. There is a universal statement that has some very elaborate principal about the transient form of the world's riches and popularity. It says the riches has wings and can escape; Popularity is like a rolling wind that is not steady. A wise wealthy and well known king Solomon, during his tenure instructs us that we must not focus our mind on fame and riches. Honesty, one person that has enjoyed riches and fame known to be Greeley Horace says " Fame is vapour, popularity an accident, riches take wings. Character is the only thing that abides." There is a declaration in more pungent way by two Apostles under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost " The world passeth away and its fullness thereof.......," the world and its elements shall melt with fervent heat." It is only those who have the character of God; seeking things above that Will abide forever. Our text gives us firm and frightening image of a future event that has some educative lessons for us. For hundreds of years,Babylon has arrogated itself as a prosperous and well-known city having one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. But it was godless city,full of perversions, immortality, hatred for God and His people. And because judgment was not immediate, the cup of his wickedness was latter full and the righteous judged, God Himself, concluded to punish the city. As a figurative expression, for the present age,much men and women in the world pursue after riches and fame to the detriment of their soul and readiness for eternity. But all this will vanish away and none will be important at the time we close eyes in death. Assuredly, when we admit the care of this life to remote our heart,we lose focus of eternity and become careless to spiritual things that will get us ready for eternity. We need to be wise and have our priorities in the right order. Remember that " it is sheer folly to gather treasures in a decaying world." Further Bible verse: Ezekiel 27:29.

Sunday 27 August 2017


Centre verse: Ephesians 4:11(NIV) "So Christ himself gave the Apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers" TEXT: EPHESIANS 4:7-13. There was an artisan who was working so hard yo cut a log into two parts. After sawing from morning to noon,he succeeded to cut only half way through. When he was hungry, he resolved to put a wedge into the spilt and move for lunch. There was a monkey from up a tree that was watching the workman who became inquisitive of the wedge. The monkey claimed down and went to the log. The animal tried harder to pull the wedge out but it did not yield. He rested on the log with legs on each side. The monkey prevailed with it tail dangling down through the split. Suddenly the wedge came out,and the log stuck together immediately, cutting off the dangling tail.The animal lost its tail because of its inquisitiveness. You should be careful of trying to do things you see other people do or asking unnecessary question that does not matter. Always make positive research on the business you want to embark on before you attempt to imitate others. As a Christian, you must work through the direction of your own gifts, praying God to assist you succeed in those areas. Do not be a busy body in other people's affairs,concentrate on your own matter. Remember that inquisitiveness could be a dangerous exercise. Further Bible verse: 1Corintians 12:28.

Saturday 26 August 2017


Centre verse: Mark 11:23(KJV) "For verily I say unto you,That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea:and shall not doubt in his heart,but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass:he shall have whatsoever he saith." TEXT:MARK 11:20-24.Faith is an indispensable quality that every Christian must have. From our text today,we can see that faith is a firm conviction you have about God's ability to do what he says he will do;The confidence that he can and will meet human needs and expectations. Faith in God makes you committed to Him. And commitment to faith gets you look on God; You are not distracted nor mocked by anyone. The response of the centurion in Matthew 8:8 instructs to Christian essential things. We do not merit God's salvation and blessings, but his love and mercy made Him sacrifice His only son,Christ Jesus for our sins,and through Him,we can enjoy all the blessings He has in heaven for us. (Romans 8:32). God's love for you confers all the gains of the Cross you enjoy today. Therefore, let your heart be stationed on Him. Do not be unstable in your commitment to Him,and do not doubt what your faith in Him can achieve. You must not be moved in face of challenges and oppositions, and frequently put your faith in action. That is the only commitment of faith. Further Bible verses: Matthew 17:20,Luke 17:6.

Friday 25 August 2017


Center verse: 1Samuel 17:11( KJV)" When Saul and all Israel heard those words of the Philistine they were dismayed and greatly afraid "TEXT 1SAMUEL 17:1-11.The sinner of spiritual strength had boldness to fight the enemy. In today's text,Israel is seen trembling before the adversary. The armies of Israel and Philistine were arrayed against each other on two mountain sides demarcated by a valley. Goliath, a war champion in the land of Philistine, heavily armed and arrogant of his strength and experience challenged everybody from Saul's camp to a personal encounter. When the disobedient king(Saul) and all Israel heard the intimidated statement of the enemy, they were afraid and distressed. Like the old Israel, many of us have our days of fear and discouragement. At times,Devil comes to battle with us using the weapons of doubt, worry and anxiety. He does all possible things reminding us our past sins and failure. He wants our mind to be on ourselves and challenges we are facing instead of looking unto Jesus the great Provider and Deliverer. However, such life brings bad emotion of guilt,failure and despair. It can subject one into self- pity,self management and self destruction when David,who understands the proper handling and has faith to face the threat and intimidation of Goliath does not come to the rescue. To prevent Devil's intimidation, we have to ensure that we are in the good relationship with God regularly. Taking these steps " sinners must repent of their sins so as to receive forgiveness: backsliders should immediately reconcile with God to be able to face the battles of life." Believes must neglect words of unbelief,criticism, mockery and negative feelings that can be a barrier to their faith and cause them to loose confidence in God. Only people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits. Remember, the Cross of Jesus who lives in us has totally defeated all Goliaths. Further Bible verse: 2Samuel 21:19.

Thursday 24 August 2017


Centre verse: 1Peter 5:8(KJV) "Be sober,be vigilant, because your adversary the devil,as a roaring lion walking about,seeking whom he may devour." TEXT 1PETER 5:5-10.The person who moves with the Lord has no need to be afraid. A believer in one of the Christian pilgrims' progress was walking along the narrow way with a deep gully on one side and a harmful ditch on the other. But he made up his mind to move on despite the thriving lion which sought to deviate his focus. In spite of this challenge of his Christian faith as a Pilgrim in that dangerous land,he conquered it and escape the thriving lions. My dear,your life as a believer is full of difficulties and only your faithfulness can give you the victory you need over them. In the potion of the verses we read,Peter the Apostle warns you of the devil,your enemy, searching to terminate your existence and turn you away from the faith. Always realise that the devil is still carrying out his evil work today thereby leading many people to damnation in hell. He uses all forms of weapon tricks and baits such as the internet that do not seen to be evil. Therefore you need to be wise and watchful so you do not fall into the trap of the devil. Further Bible verse: 2Timothy 3:1-6.


Center verse: Revelation 19:20(NIV) "But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who has performed the signs on its behalf. With this signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worship its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur." TEXT: REVELATION 19:17-21. Things will not be moving the way they are forever. " There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: A time to love and a time to hate,a time for war and a time for peace"----- Ecclesiastes 3:1,8(NIV). There may be misunderstanding and confrontation in this world we are dwelling in,there may be an attempt to cause damage to and counter attack in different places, but there is an absolute expiring date to everything when Christ Jesus the Prince of Peace takes over from all the workers of iniquity and all the evil doers will be disappointed and fade away. The text of today reveals the preparation for the highest war and confrontation in the history of humanity. Our high commander in- chief Christ Jesus,whose seat of empire is in heaven, is explained as sitting on a white horse. He has the deeper view into all the strength of His enemies. The weapons of His warfare is a sharp sword the comes from His mouth. Fowls of heaven are welcome to participate and share in the spoils since the disciples of false prophets would be executed. The marriage supper of the Lamb for the ruptured saints is different to the supper of the great God where the bodies of the conquered enemies will be food for fowls of heaven. Anybody who is fighting against God today may paralyse his\her future destiny. The Antichrist will be totally defeated. The beast and the Antichrist will be thrown into the lake of fire. Sinners must give their lives to Jesus to avoid total damnation with the Antichrist on the last day. Regardless the duration of sinners in rebellion, wickedness and disobedience,there is an end to everything. All Christians must live holy and pure lives to be partakers in the rapture of saints. Remember, disobedience begets divine wrath while repentance attracts forgiveness. Further Bible verse: Daniel 7:11.

Wednesday 23 August 2017


Center verse: Genesis 20:11(NIV) Abraham replied "I say to myself,'  There is surely no fear of God in this place,and they will kill me because of my wife. TEXT:GENESIS 20:9-18. The word FEAR is an acronym of the statement False Evidence Appearing Real. A classical demonstration of this is a tale of a woman who lavished her moment crying carelessly by the way side. A man who was touched for her situation met her and asked her the reason of her distress. She complained" I was just thinking that may be one day I would get married. We would latter have a beautiful baby girl. Then one day,this child and I would go for a strolling along the street, and my dear daughter would run into the street, hit by a vehicle and give up the ghost" It is ridiculous! That is the same thing to what we do sometimes. Abraham who was crowned as the father of faith, had his package of unwanted fear. He showed this a few times. One of those moment was when he moved over from Mamre to Gerar,Philistines city. Abimelech,king of Gerar took Serah,the wife of Abraham because Abraham told him that Sarah was his sister. Abimelech king of Gerar confronted Abraham with his sin of deception after God warned him in a dream. Although Abraham was trying to prove his action to Abimelech that Sarah was both his half-sister and wife,the actual cause of his deception was fear: unwanted fear. In his own acceptance, "because I thought, surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will kill me for the sake of my wife." Abraham had walked with God for a longer time which would have given him the confidence while in Gerar that God will protect him. But how anaemic the strongest of us can be when fear occupies our heart. Abimelech's instant obedience and sufficient gifts to Abraham whom he knew as a prophet demonstrated his fear of God and reverence for Abraham. In that reason, God caused Abraham to intercede for him and cancelled the barrenness that was deposited for his household. When fear present itself, don't consult Man's thought. Always remember what God declares in his word concerning your situation and go ahead. Further Bible verse: Proverbs 16:6.

Tuesday 22 August 2017


Center verse: 1Kings 15:4(NIV) "Nevertheless for David's sake the Lord his God gave him a lamp in Jerusalem by raising up a son to succeed him and by making Jerusalem strong." TEXT: 1KINGS 15:1-8.A radiant life has the ability to influence people to accomplish big dreams. We are not required to hold a big public office before we can influence others to do good and live godly. The power of a good  character is boldly presented in the life of David in our reference today. When we consider skill and character, character takes the first. Faithfulness is prefer to great ability. Bad leadership breed bad fellowship. Your attitude is either your best friend or your worst enemy; your greatest possession or your greatest liability. Everyone can be transformed ,not by intimidation but by illuminating godly lifestyle. And it can only be possible when we are in God. Repentance and acceptance of Christ as one's personal Lord and saviour is the acceptable step for character transformation. Man is the only prominent God's creature that can be shaped through the grace of God. The greatest hindrance to spiritual rediscovery is self. Self must surrender to the total will of God and permit His grace to extract complete transformation in us. If you need character change, you must humble yourself and admit the grace of God to work in you. When you are transformed, then pray for God's grace to assist you influence others to love Him as you do. You need to be preserved through fellowship with other children of God and daily communion with God in His word and prayer. Therefore, start living the brighter life today." Let your light so shine before men,that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."Matthew 5:16(KJV). Remember, your life shall be a testimony. Further Bible verse: 2Chronicles 21:7.

Monday 21 August 2017


Center verse: Numbers 12:2( KJV) " And they said,Hath the LORD indeed spoken only by Moses?hath he not also spoken by us? And the LORD heard it" TEXT NUMBERS 12:1-8. A hero of well known Grecian sports was celebrated by his fellow citizens for his performance in public games. This caused strong emotion of jealously in the mind of one of his rivals. They said competitor made an attempt every night to destroy the statue. After steady efforts, he achieved in taking the statue from the base,and it fell,but in that effect destroyed him. Jealousy and envy are chronic diseases that cannot reserve their host. It was very unfortunate that Aaron and Miriam in their level of spirituality were entangled in that passion diseased against Moses. The servant of God Moses was not a visitor of criticisms and people's grumble but having proceed from his own family members, was most deadly. Their mission for jealously against Moses bordered on his marriage to a foreigner. But the truth of the matter here was their feeling of bitterness because of Moses higher profit and authority. The consequence for their action was leprosy punishment on Miriam after God had examined them. The situation management by Moses was mature. He did not defend himself over Miriam calamity. Indeed he prayed for her to be cleansed from the leprosy. That was one of the reasons he was regarded to be the meekest person on the earth. Whatsoever privileges man enjoys both spiritual and physical comes from God" no man taketh this honour into himself,but he that is called of God..... Every malicious word or movement made by anyone walking in the direction of sedition against the programmes of God will not go unpunished. Settle and pray this day to be free from the venom of jealously. Remember that jealously is being detected by others only at advanced and fatal stage, unlike an open wound. Further Bible verses: Exodus 15:20, Ezekiel 35:12,13.

Sunday 20 August 2017


Center verse:Matthew 15:18,29(KJV) "But those things which proceed out of the mouth comes from the heart and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications,thefts,false witness,blasphemies." TEXT: MATTHEW: 15:10-20.The statement of Psychologist is that ten thousand thoughts pass through the human mind daily. This is equivalent to three million, five hundred thousand every year. If we must take note of every gossip, how many can be quoted? The mind is Devil's battle field. He is aware how necessary it is to have a pure,renewed and victorious mind and fights everyday to hinder that from existence. The magnitude to which Satan can manipulate our thoughts is the extent to which he can direct and hinder us from receiving God's blessing. Many people are manipulated by what they behold, hear,feel or think. Most people pass through life trusting on personal capability instead of trusting on God's unchanging word. Lord Jesus categorically States that what corrupts a person before God is not the failure to take the step of ceremonial law,but the responsiveness to incline in the direction deprave deposition in the heart which includes evil thoughts, adulteries, formication, murder, thefts,covetousness,wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye,blasphemy, pride ,foolishness. He mentioned the seriousness of sin in the heart of man,pointing out that regeneration is the antidote to all the corruption in the heart. Once a transgressor admits his/her sins,confess,forsake then accept Christ as his/her personal Lord and saviour, this brings divine strength and power that peaks into cleansing of the heart. Salvation: we must endeavour under the grace of God,to cast "down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thoughts to the obedience of Christ....Surrender your mind and heart  everyday to the control of the Holy Ghost so as to enjoy the best from God. Remember, as a man desires in his heart,so he is. Further Bible verses: James 3:6,Genesis 6:5.

Saturday 19 August 2017


Center verse: Psalm 85:6,7(KJV) " Wilt thou not revive us again; that thy people may rejoice in thee? Show us thy mercy, O Lord and grant us thy salvation." TEXT: PSALM 85:4-8. Elder J. Cumming protested that,in almost everywhere, the arrival of a fresh blessing is a fresh revelation of the attitude of God:more beautiful, more wonderful and more precious. Revival means to the visitation of God which adds to life, Christians who are sluggard. It activates up a deep sense of the Almighty Creator's presence and purity. Are you a sleeping person? Examine your spiritual life. You can only witness revival when you have high affinity with the gospel and admit the presence of God to take whole of you. Make sure you are strong in the Christian faith and permit holiness to duplicate in you. More especially, be sure that revival is constantly occurring in your life. Do not allow evil of the society to paralyse you; if it happens,pray and have confidence in God. Be aware that revival elevate the gospel of Christ; enable the body of Christ to impact upon society. Remember that the seed of revival is greater love for Christ. Further Bible verse: Hebrews 3:2.

Friday 18 August 2017


Center verse: Judges 11:35( KJV) " And it came to pass,when he saw her,that he rent his cloth,and said,Alas,my daughter! thou have brought me very low ,and thou art one of them that trouble me: for I have opened my mouth unto the LORD and I cannot go back." TEXT: JUDGES 11:29-40. An American author by name Vincent Norman Peale who was the messenger of the theory of" Power of positive thinking " realised once that " promises are like babies crying in the theatre; they should be taking away immediately. It is very shameful that,more than half of the promises made each day are not fulfilled. It is even more unfortunate when it comes to pledges people make to God without carried out. In the reference of today,Jephthah's vow,may be rather rash but not so his consecration to make the vow good. By the set up provided, Jephthah was a leader in Israel who lead them to war against the Ammonites. It was in a link with that war he vowed to God to offer whatsoever comes to the door to meet him,provided God will grant him victory. The Lord granted him total victory. But on his arrival, it was only his daughter child, that came out to meet him. It was actually very tormenting condition. But Jephthah would not withdrawn on his vow. He dedicated his only child to the Lord. Jephthah's motivating factor as regards his consecration to perform the vow and redeem a pledge, the sacrifice never mind,is worthy of emulation. This is the Biblical injunction on this matter:"when you make a vow to God,do not delay to fulfill it..... It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it.  Ecclesiastics 5:4,5(NIV). How boldly and faithful are you in maintaining your promises, not only to God but also to men? Remember, in the day of God's judgement, we are judged by promises kept,not by promises made and unfulfilled. Further Bible verse:Genesis 37:29, Ecclesiastes 5:2.

Thursday 17 August 2017


Center verse:Daniel 12:10(KJV) "Many shall be purified, and made white,and tried, but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand" TEXT: DANIEL 12:5-13. Apostle Paul's most sweet epistle was from when he was in the prison; the revelation of John the beloved came out from the desert Island;German Bible translation was written by Luther's in Warburg castle. People that have high affinity for God are not free from problem. Although we may not really know the extent the trial we experience, we should not surrender. The period of great trouble and confusion have often shaped great minds. The purest gold comes from the hottest furnace, and the brightest thunderbolt comes through the darkest storm of life. God controls and protects us in order to be closer to Him. It is also easily discovered that affliction worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope. In all,we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Trials are always equipments by which God constructs us for better and greater exploit. Nobody prays for tribulations but when they surface, intercede for God's grace to conquer, for out of the furnace of men arise saints who have been of much use in the beautiful Hands of the Lord. Always press forward, upward and onward in your life."Pressed into understanding no helper but God:pressed into faith for possibilities;pressed into living in Christ life outpoured!" Always remember that the purifier keeps purifying you in the fire until He obtains gold. Further Bible verses: Zechariah 13:19,Hosea 14:9.

Wednesday 16 August 2017


Center verse: 2Corintians 6:17(KJV) "Wherefore come out from among them,and be ye separate, saith the LORD,and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." TEXT: 2CORINTISNS 6:14-18. Many people follow the track of the multitude, even when they have the chance to step out of it. So many people who had pursued excellent dreams on their own were faced with the temptation of being like any other person. They had a firmly held belief that they could achieve something extraordinary with their own lives,because of that,they departed from the multitude. You can equally be like Prophet Samuel who consecrated himself to the Lord and lived among corrupted children of Eli: Phinehas and Hophni without having himself contaminated. Samuel did not emulate their bad examples but rather ministered before the LORD. Bear in mind that only you are responsible for what you make of your life. Others may out laugh  you,but move ahead and do not allow yourself to be intimidated by their actions. Remember, you are accountable for what you make of your life. Further Bible verses: Revelation 8:4,Isaiah 52:11.


Center verse: Isaiah 18:6( NIV) " They will all left to the mountain birds of prey and to the wild animals; the bird will feed on them all Summer, the wild animal all winter " TEXT: ISAIAH 18:1-7. Most animal have very strong inherent behaviours for protecting their little ones. A lioness cannot be in its extremely ferocious condition unless if it witnesses danger to their young. It is in the same way with the bear. The harmless hen also uses all its strength to fight off dangers to its chicks. Today's reference involves a prophecy that was totally regarded as esoteric. Many scholars of the Bible accept that it is a prophecy about the intervention of God in protection of the marginalised Jews against Assyrian warriors. It shows the threats of Sennacherib to the people of God. For the prophecy to be fulfilled, Sennacherib send his men to threaten the dwellers of Jerusalem. At the time the Assyrians considered that they had conquered the city for plundering, God used an Angel to destroy their soldiers. The bodies of Sennacherib army were " left together unto the fowls of the mountains,and to the beasts of the earth.... " Sennacherib children tormented him to death. Both Ethiopia and Judah were delivered miraculously from their Assyrian enemy. As a result of that,the nations returned praise and worship to God. God is still protecting his people today. Even when it appears Satan is gaining the upper hand and a child of God is losing out,our Father who at in heaven will swift to crush the wicked ones. We are not supposed to be afraid but rather move confidently and obediently with God. Remember, we are on the conquering side,if God is on our side. Further Bible verse: Psalm 68:31.

Monday 14 August 2017


Center verse: Hebrews 13:25( KJV) " Grace be with you all. Amen"TEXT: HEBREWS 13:16-25. In the same way earth can yield nothing without the presence of the sunlight, so we cannot achieve anything without God's grace. A Christian at his best is nothing without the grace and mercy of God. Grace is God's discretionary and adoring favour given to whomsoever that repented of their sins. There is no moral and religious effort that can acquire it,because it comes only on Christ's merit and love for man. Outside his grace,no man can be saved. God mercifully pardons our iniquity and impart divine grace to revitalize our lives and make us His own. God shows Himself through His grace and mercy He manifests to His children. Grace is the presence of God's love through Jesus Christ transferred to believers by the Holy Spirit. By grace we have the thirst and power to do the will of God." For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say"No" to ungodliness and worldly passions,and to live self- controlled,upright and godly lives in this present age. Titus 2:11,12( NIV). We welcome grace to grow in Christ Jesus and preacher for Him. For this reason, the grace of God must carefully be admitted and sought after. Grace of God becomes sufficient in the lives of repented souls who study His word,obey and meditate on it; who pray and worship with other believers .In the period of persecution,we need God's grace. His promise in the time of trials and difficulties is" my grace is enough for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness ". Lunch into the unlimited grace of God today through prayer of faith in His love and faithfulness to His word. Remember, glory is grace perfected while grace is glory begun. Further Bible verse: Tutus 3:15.

Sunday 13 August 2017


Center verse: Exodus 27:2(KJV) " Wherefore the people did chide with Moses,and said, give us water that we may drink. And Moses said unto them,why chide ye with me?wherefore do ye tempt the LORD" TEXT: EXODUS 17:8-16. The Israelites who escaped miraculously from the Egyptians bondage were attacked by the Amalekites. Then Moses commanded Joshua as his young captain, to raise up warriors against them. It was in Rephidim that the commander of Israelites soldiers selected his army while Moses the man of God who was the leader of the children of Israel moved to the hilltop with two of his assistants, Hur and Aaron. God showed His great name Jehovah nisi,as he worked out a dramatic victory with Israel with such action that was coordinated on two fronts: The spiritual war on the hilltop was wagged by Moses,Aaron and Hur while Joshua and his footsoldiers fought the physical on the ground. Aaron and Hur used a stone seat to rest Moses body and stationed his hand that were weary which made him wield the rod of God against the Amalekites. However, Joshua and his footsoldiers " defeated the enemy with the edge of  the sword. All repented souls in the church have essential functions to play in the warfare against false doctrine, unrighteousness and worldliness. As believes, we must resist all sort of sin and wickedness. We are not suppose to wait for Church leaders to speak against them! Christ Jesus wants us as redeemed children of light who have been taught what is right,should work together with church leadership as a united body to" contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saint " ( Jude 3). So, to win every battle of life,we have to be united and organized in evangelism and spiritual warfare so as to overcome enemies of the gospel. Remember, divine intervention in spiritual warfare can only be achieved when believes are united. Further Bible verses: Numbers 20:3,4, Psalm 78:18,41.

Saturday 12 August 2017


Center verse: Exodus 3:10( KJV)" Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto pharaoh, that thou mayest bring my people the children of Israel out of Egypt " TEXT: EXODUS 3:7-10. Many Bible characters whom the Almighty God called for a particular reason, were willingly on their own mission. After many years of despondency, Jacob at last heard the speeches of the man who wrestled with him throughout the night. After the contest by the man,he rained a blessing of new name upon Jacob: " your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel ". From that time on his name changed and fitted the purpose of God for him. Similarly, after living for 40 years as a Shepherd in the wilderness, God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt. God wants man to be His representative on earth. You are called to be like Paul the Apostle, Moses,Timothy, Stephen who were fearless preachers. No matter how big or small your duty may be,it is essential for you to understand the particular area you fit in the plan of God. Remember, it is when you face trials before you can know God's plan in your life. Further Bible verses: Judges 6:12,7:12.

Friday 11 August 2017


Center verse: Psalm 89:35( KJV) " Once have I sworn by my Holiness that I will not lie unto David" TEXT: PSALM 89:35-52. It has exceeded doubt that " With God all things are possible " Bible established it as stated by Lord Jesus Christ. Several experiences we have confirm to it. This reality must, however be placed in the right order. It is in accordance to His Almightiness. It does not denote that God is inclined to every deed. There is one thing God cannot do: anything that is not in convention with his type of his faithfulness, holiness and truth. Take for an example God cannot lie. God's agreement with David concerning the prosperity and continuity of his lineage on the Jewish throne were placed in two things: The oath and premise of God which cannot be broken. There is a sad complaint in our text as regard what the psalmist understood as a contradiction based on the promise of God and prevailing experience in David's house. He witnessed that contrary to God's promises, the treaty God had with him was being cancelled, thereby making it vulnerable to attack and ridicule by their enemies. Following the psalmist, we sometimes find it cumbersome to match the promises of God with our life experiences. Though we may get into such terrifying situations, it is rather impulsive to think that God has denied on His promises. God cannot lie. However, it has to be realized that God's promises are conditioned on our steady obedience to his commandments. There are also periods when our difficulties in life become chastisements from God which eventually work for our good and fulfilment of His promises. How suitable to know that it is " impossible for God to lie" (Hebrews 6:18). Stand unmovable on His promises by walking in the light of His word; let it be your habit of waiting in patience until He comes. Remember, God's faithfulness is not affected by our faith but our faith is driven by God's faithfulness. Further Bible verse:Amose 4:2.


Center verse: Psalm 146:5( KJV) " Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help,whose help is in the Lord. " TEXT: 146:2-10.   An interview was organised for 5,000 candidate when 500 people were in need to fill in positions in a factory. Those people who smiled fewer than four times were excluded by the human resources manager. It occurred to candidates contesting for positions in all categories. A smile is not inexpensive means to enhance your appearance but also it is an advice by medics as a soul medicine. Smile is connected to happiness, joy love and purity of heart. It is not surprising our text reveals happiness for those whose hope is in the Lord. Beloved reader,are you spending your precious time wearing a gloomy face? No matter  what the challenges are,always carry a smiling face while trusting God,who is our sufficiency in all thing. When you smile,you shame the devil. Remember, the fruit of a loving heart is smile. Further Bible verse: Jeremiah 17:7.


Center verse: John 6:38(KJV) "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will,but the will of him that sent me." TEXT: JOHN 6:35-40. Our Lord Jesus, during his earthly ministration met people on a daily bases who publicly mentioned that He was not the Redeemer of mankind. Though his closest disciples were sometimes confused about who he was. He avoided distractions of his journey towards the cross by ignoring all those voices around Him. Each time people questioned his identity, He proclaimed who he was as his father declared about him. Your proclamation about who you are is important for your survival in this life journey. You have to follow the footsteps of Christ Jesus and as He did,you have also to refuse the distractions of people. Yet you must confess,believe and work towards the identity the Lord has given you in his word. When you do this, you will have the capacity to say like Apostle Paul at the end of his journey." I have fought the good fight,I have finished the race,I have kept the faith" 2Timothy 4:7( KJV). Remember, you must confess,believe and work towards your identity. Further Bible verse: Matthew 26:39.

Thursday 10 August 2017


Center verse: Act 9:6( KJV) " And he trembling and astonished said,Lord,what wilt thou have me to do?And the Lord said unto him,Arise,and go into the city,and it shall be told thee what thou must do"                                                                                                        TEXT: ACT 9:1-9. Some years back,a newspaper publisher carried an article of a man who has given his life to Christ. The thing that made his story outstanding was not his repentance, but the fact that as a result of his newfound faith in Christ, he confessed to the robbery he engaged with in a bank while he was under twenty. As he made such a confession, the man whose name was Johnson could not be prosecuted for the crime. Notwithstanding, he even willingly made a restitution of the stolen money. When we follow the Biblical account of conversion story, no one is greater to the conversion of Saul of Tarsus as narrated in our text. He was trained as a rabbi,raised up as a Jew and he became a single minded persecutor of the early Christian church. He had much hatred for Christ and Christianity that was while he did all possible thing under his authority to destroy the relationship. On part of his missions to follow a way which he believe was essential, he immediately realized from the vision of Christ that he had been on the wrong track. Christianity is definitely a religion of repentance. Whatever thing we confess and believe stand upon core fundamental and revolutionary promise: you are not suppose to be the way you are. Your life can instantly be transformed by God. Conversion is a certain miracle that occurs when God's life intersects with Man's personality. Once God is involved in your life,you cannot remain the same as you were before. Attending Church services is one thing: repentance is another thing entirely. Therefore evil habits of man has to be erased by the blood of the  Lamb Jesus Christ as he makes friend with him. Remember, understanding the mystery of life can only come through salvation. Further Bible verses: Daniel 10:7,Luke 3:10.

Wednesday 9 August 2017


Center verse: Luke 19:3( KJV) " And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press,because he was little of stature. TEXT : LUKE 19:3-10.                                                                                  One of the publicans, Zacchaeus got to know of Jesus passing by his community. The press was much on him,since he was small in size. He ran and climbed up a tree. Immediately Christ Jesus observed his purpose,He stood and called him down. Lord Jesus promised going to his house,but the neighbours who knew Zacchaeus were murmuring because he was a publican.                  Instantly Zacchaeus opened up to his repentance and restitution. Jesus was grateful for his decision. The neighbours could not talk evil of Zacchaeus. There is no boundary of salvation by Man's stature but whosoever believe in Jesus shall be saved. Are you born again? Like Zacchaeus,do not procrastinate the day of your repentance. Confess your sins,forsake them and make restitution. Jesus will pardon you. Remember, your present size and circumstances should not limit you. Further Bible verses: Matthew 10:6,15:24.

Tuesday 8 August 2017


Center verse: Psalm 94:8,9( KJV) " Understand, ye brutish among the people: and ye fools,when will ye be wise? He that planted the ear,shall he not hear?he that formed the eye,shall he not see?".                                                                                                              TEXT: PSALM 94:1-11.                                                                               There is a pair of scale in Washington, being maintained by government that is highly sensitive to detect the weight of paper and what is written on a paper differently. If mortal Man's technological skillfulness could invent such sensitive equipment which could " observe " the weightless " weight " of the written word on a paper,would God's infallible machine not identify the most imperceptible wickedness of man.                                                             Human being thinks that he is being protected by the shadow of technological inventions, philosophical and scientific which God cannot perceive. In so doing he goes ahead to defy God,engaging himself in all sort of wickedness and failing to answer God's call to repentance.    And it appears to be a rebuilt of Sodom and Gomorrah and equally the old Babel.                                        They say, " The Lord does not see,.....Take notice,you senseless one among the people; you fools,when will you become wise? Does he who fashioned the ear not hear? Does he who formed the eye not see? He will repay them for their sins and destroy them for their wickedness; the Lord our God will destroy them." Psalm94:7,8,23( NIV).                                                                     For since the fathers fell asleep,all things continue as they were from the beginning " 2 Peter 3:4( KJV).                                                   Christ Jesus the righteous Judge, has an equipment of high superior to the Washington system. He has seen,weighed and heard every thought and act of man and will record them. Those who have not repented and accepted Jesus as Lord would be punished.                                                                                                                   People who have the Saviour will enjoy everlasting happiness with him in heaven. Remember, you should watch your way!God is step ahead of you!                                                        Further Bible verses: proverbs 20:12, Exodus 4:11.

Monday 7 August 2017


Center verse: Ephesians 1:19( KJV) " And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us- ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power " Text: EPHESIANS 1:15-23. A French writer said, " I searched for the greatness of the United States of America in her comfortable harbours, her fruitful field,her abundant rivers and her vast forests - and it was not there. I searched for it in her wealthy mines,her public school system, her largest world commerce and in her institutions of high learning and it was not there. I sought for it in her Democratic Congress and her incomparable constitution and it was not there. It was when i went into the Church of the United States and heard fame with righteousness did I understood the secret of her inspiration and power. If America stops to be good,her greatness will be lost. Instead of pursuing the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and holiness,without which no man shall see the Lord,many people end up for pleasure and forsake righteousness, genuine life and faith in God that will guide them to the Lord. Greatness is from God. Let righteousness answer for your greatness. Remember, always be in torch with the source of genuine life. Further Bible verse: 1 chronicles 29:11,12.


Center verse: Hebrews 12:11( KJV). " Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby " Text: HEBREWS 12:5-13. A man by name Charles Surgeon, had a plaque with a passage of the Bible on a wall in his bedroom engraved: " I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. " He stated:  " it is no mean thing to be chosen of God. The choice of God makes selected men, the men of choice...... we are selected, not in the palace, but in the furnace. In the furnace, fashion, beauty are destroyed ,glory is consumed and strength is melted: despite that,here everlasting love shows its secretes and reveals its choice ". From our reference point,Paul the Apostle mentioned about the inherent virtue of chastisement. It is well understood that we are sons and daughters of God. Though, chastisement is not a good experience, offers what is known as " the peaceable fruit of righteousness ". The discomfort of chastisement takes away the waste from the gold, generating a better and clearer treasure which will be desirable and of better service to human beings. When God want to use people, they go through persecutions so as to ascertain their faith. We have a lesson to learn from the valley of suffering and pain than in the hill of praise and popularity. It is in the furnace of affliction that the preachers of righteousness are made. When our strength is been exhausted as a result of rough ways,at that particular time,proceed your journey and prevail by God's strength alone. Your disappointment will a day bring development. No matter the tribulations and trials, God with his armour, will design and make you fit into the mould of His designed destiny. Being aware of this principle of life will assist you to fuel your courage and make a new effort to bear your cross. Always be patient and slowdown: at an appointed time the overcoming psalms shall be your songs. Remember, your future success comes from the present suffering. Further Bible verse: James 3:18/

Sunday 6 August 2017


Centre verse:Judges 14:3(KJV). "Then his father and his mother said unto him,is there not a woman among the daughters of their brethren, or among all my people, that thou goest to a wife of the uncircumcised Philistines?... Text: Judges 14:1-11. The conquering warriors of Alexander the Great once surprised much spoils of war that almost contributed to their defeat. They collected whatever they wanted so as to satisfy their covetousness: But there appeared downside to this error: it hindered their going and destroyed the efficiency of their combat. On the process of this, it was the period for the army to march into Persia for their next battle. Because of ineffectiveness of the troops, premonition of defeat loomed large among them. Alexandre ascribed this to the load of the luggage pleasure of plunder they carried on the journey. He commanded them to destroy the load. The combatants after much complaining obeyed the order and had their effective mobility regained that contributed success for his army. In the same way,Samson's action was his mind to seek and acquire whatever pleased him. And Samson told the father,get a strange woman for me; for she pleaseth me well." That was a desire to please himself and not God who had blessed him with great power,that weighed him down and hindered him from seeing ahead danger. This stupid action of his to entertain the flesh sent him into the arms of Delilah who led him to captivity and eventually death. The Christian soldiers must avoid the pursuit of worldly things that is a burden to our easy bag of holiness and self commitment to the mandate of Christ Jesus. The pleasure pursuit is a bondage that hinders Christ call to take his Yoke which is "easy" and " light" . You have to be aware as a believer that" No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. 2 Timothy 2:4(NIV). Remember, the passport to heaven does not permit for extra baggage. Further Bible verses: Genesis 24:3,4, Deuteronomy 7:3.

Saturday 5 August 2017


Center verse: Joshua 1:8(NIV). "Keep this book of the Lord always on your lips,meditate on it day and night,so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Text: Joshua 1:5-9. A man once said that," people of achievement rarely sat back and allow things happen to them. They go out and things will happen". God promised Joshua good success but on the condition that he must meditate and observe to do all that God instructed. Joshua obeyed and thereby received the promises of God. The price to pay so that one can be successful in life is being hard working, and such a secret belongs to the people of God. God promises success to those who put their trust in Him. Are part of God's people? If not,you can become one today. Remember,you must work,pray and lean on God for your success. Further bible verses: psalms 125:1-3,1:1-6.


Center verse:Jeremiah 29:11( KJV). "For I know  the thoughts I think towards you,saith the Lord,thoughts of peace,and not of evil,to give you an expected end. Text, Jeremiah 29:10-14. A Sunday school teacher asked to know what her class were appreciative for. On the replied by a little boy " My bicycle and car" He described, " They protect me from my fellow boys fighting me. The boy observed the elegancy of his bicycle and car not the bad in his toys,unlike many people who have unthankful hearts because of their life condition. As Galloway Dale states it," Positive reasoning is a form of thought which habitually looks for the best results from the worst situations. It is always positive to expect something good; to look for something best for yourself even though things seems to be bad. Dearest, always be persistent in thinking positive about you life,being appreciative for whatever circumstances you find yourself in. Always bear in mind that when you seek good,you will find it. Also be responsiveness in making decision to be thankful to God for what you have got. In this way,you can be rest assured that you will be on your way to greatness. Do not burder about what you do not have. Remember, always seek for an excellent results from your worst situations. Further Bible verse, psalm 40:5.

Friday 4 August 2017


Center verse: Daniel 11:3(KJV)                                                                  "And a mighty king shall stand up,that shall rule with dominion, and do according to his will" .Text; Daniel 11:1-4. The story was given by a roadside beggar that one day,requested for an arms from Alexander the great as he passed by. The man was a destitute and had no right upon the ruler to asked for an arms. Regardless that,the Emperor offered him several gold coins. A person in attendance at a royal court was surprised at his generosity and reported,sir,why are you giving him gold since copper coins would have been adequately meet his need. Alexander responded in Royal manner, truly, copper coins would fit the beggar's need, but gold coins is suitable for Alexander giving. Our reference in Daniel explains with unbelievable accuracy, the fate of Grecian Empire: how upon the death of Alexander his Empire would be shared into four, the disagreement between two of these divisions, Syria and Egypt, and the result which this wars would have upon the nation of Israel. Alexander the great was the "Mighty King" spoken about in our text who,after conquering the Persian Empire, died at the age of 32 abruptly. His Empire was terminated there since he had no children to take after him for they were murdered but instead was divided up against his warriors. Four smaller kingdoms consisting of Asia Minor, Egypt, Greece and Syria emerged from the broken Alexander's Empire. "Self_will as was written by saint Bernard,is that will which does not accord with the will of God nor that of other men, but which is narrowly our own. It revealed itself when we are concerned neither in the Glory of God nor in service of our fellows, but narrowly in ourselves. In this attitude we do not seek to please God nor assist our brothers,but primarily to satisfy our personal need.  If you are not to incure the wrath of God,crucify your self_ will permanently to the cross the saviour Jesus Christ. Remember, total freedom situates in presenting our will to God for his use. Further Bible verses: Daniel 8:4,5,7:6.

Thursday 3 August 2017


Center verse: 1 peter 4:13( NIV). "But rejoice insomuch as you participate in the suffering of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed ".                                                  Thomas the psychiatrist explains that " Happiness is an imaginary situation,that is only concerned to the living being.        An interesting study on the Golden rule was carried out by the director of the institute for child behavior research, Benard Rimland. Happy persons do not only help others but are also not selfish, and their work are only concerned to making others happy. Greater love has no man than this: to lay down one's for one's friends ,John 15:13( NIV).                                                                           You may asked what really make people happy and satisfied with their lives. Interestingly, the secret situates in persons ability and obedience to God and his word. It also situates in one's ability to control  life challenges without blame or bitterness.   One major stores of happy life is to get saved through repentance from evil activities. Remember, when you are selfish, it will be very difficult for you to love.  Further Bible verses: Colossian 3:8, James 1:19.


Center Verse: Isaiah 21:17( NIV)." The survivors of the archers,the warriors of Kedar,will be few,"the Lord,the God of Israel, has spoken.                                                                                       Text: Isaiah 21:11-17.                                                                                 The father of Arabic nations Ishmael, had a second son as Kedar. The Arabic nations are Dumah,Media, Tema,Elam and Arabia which are Judah contemporaneous.                                                       In the Bible history, they were always at war with Judah. The were rejecting the monotheism of the Israelites, because of their idolatrous practices.                                                                                             God hate idolatry, that is why he do intervene to show his Almightiness beside whom no other power,authority can exist.      In our text, he sent his servant Isaiah to prophesy to Judah's contemporaries about their sin and imminent judgment.                            The Arabic nations were proud because they had mighty men and also in merchandise of cow,rams and goats.                       Ishmael second son Kedar was counting on his wealth as its fortress against desolation. It was a dim view of future reality since it has been prophesied that"Within a year, according to the year of a hirling, and all the glory of Kedar shall fail, and the residue of the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar shall be diminished: for the Lord God of Israel hath spoken it" ( Isaiah 21:16,17):     Similar judgment is waiting to everyone who neglects God and his authority.                                                Meanwhile, there is still a way to escape from Gods wrath: repentance from sin and faith in Christ sacrifice for salvation.   Remember: Glory of God cannot be compared with an earthly gain.                                                                                                                Further Bible verses: Jeremiah 49:28, Psalm 120:5.                                                                                                  

Wednesday 2 August 2017


Center Verse:1king 12:28( KJV).  " Whereupon the king took counsel, and make two calves of gold,and said unto them,it is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods,O Israel,which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt"                      Text:1 king 12:25-33.                                                                                   One of the 19th century mighty preachers was Henry Ward Beecher.                                                                                                        One beautiful Sunday,Henry Ward was ill,therefore a replace minister moved to the pulpit as the worship service started.            Having understood that Henry Ward would not be preaching that day,a number of worshippers got up to leave.                             The substitute minister announced " All those worshippers who are here to adore Henry Ward may leave and all those to praise and worship the Lord may stay in their seats" Everyone sat back.            Jeroboam had a glorious chance to make Israel a mighty nation,but followed an idolatrous example of Solomon,instead of taking good example of David.                                                                 During Jeroboam 22- years reign, he laid the foundation an idolatry which consequently brought the destruction of the northern kingdom by the Assyrians.                                                      He designed his own pattern of worship who adjusted the original place of worship.                                                                         The word of God was no more the key authority in Israel by establishing his own priesthood.                                                                        The person who begins an error to set others feet in a wrong track would not known the destination at last.                        Those who start new business, open an opportunity either good or bad,which may go on forever.                                                             As Jeroboam departed from the righteousness of king David,and also other nineteen kings that followed him took his evil steps of idolatry. The the entire history of the ten tribes of Israel is one of the disaster and Jeroboam's history is preserved as a warning for those successors.                                                                                                     The lesson in Jeroboam's history is teaching us that we must be careful what we start.                                                                 Remember: The seed man sow today will germinate tomorrow whether good or bad.                                                                                 Further bible verses: Exodus 32:4,Genesis 28:19,Hosea 4:15.

Tuesday 1 August 2017


Center verse:Number 14:28(NIV).So tell them; As surely as I live , declares the Lord,I will d to you the very thing I heard you say:     Text: Number 14:26-39.The reference arrests one of the darkest moments of the life Israelites after their departure from Egypt. The children of Is real should ungodly character of murmuring, unbelief,and rebellion. They defeated the Egyptians but were arrested by pride,the enemy around. God frequently told the progressive generations of the Israelites that he had given them the land of the Canaanites. The only needful thing was for them to receive the word of God and believe him as God who cannot deceive those who trust in him,rather, they neglected him.                        Most of the spies who went to survey the land reported with bad news that paralysed the mind of the people,instead of having positive attitude of Joshua and Caleb, who confessed that the land was good and would be theirs since God has promised them the land.                                                                                              The children of Is real were undertaken by murmuring as recorded in Number 14:3. God heard their complaint and did to them equally what they confessed with their own mouth.                They all were destroyed in the wilderness,only a few like Joshua, Caleb and the young ones who did not grumble were left.               They equally wondered for 40 years in the wilderness as part of their punishment.                                                                                                 Believes should avoid the sin unbelief,rebellion and murmuring. This actions have the ability to destroy our relationship with God.                                                                                Remained: Defeating the enemy around is the centre to total liberation from sin.                                                                                     Further bible verses:Deuteronomy 1:35,Hebrew 1;17,Psalm 106:24,2,Corinthian 10:5.