Tuesday, 24 October 2017


Judge not”  This is Christ command to every Christian. He is warning every believer on the common activities of judging and condemning one another. It is not following the principle of love when any person turns the Christian community to a law court and selects himself a judge or magistrate over every one in the family, in God’s family or in his community.
The real believers have  new heart and a new spirit. A critical spirit that makes person to criticise and condemn anyone and everything around him is not the spirit of Christ. Love comes from God and the continuous state of mind that watches for others wrong doings whereas he overlook his own faults is  contrary to kindness, love and fairness. Seeking very high standard of love from others while he himself demonstrates low moral standard is not a Christian life;it is not biblical. After removing the beam in our eye, we can then assist our brother remove the note in his eye. After checking on ourselves, after true repentance, and transparent righteousness in our own lives, we can direct  and counsel our fellow brother(2 Thessalonians 3:14,15).
    Luke 6:7;Isaiah 29:20,21;John 8:26,44-47;Matthew 7:1.
    Christ Jesus has commanded us not to judge anyone but what is the meaning of this statement? If we do not understand the meaning of this statement by Christ Jesus, we shall not properly obey. Does it mean that we must never see,evaluate correct any fault others do? Does it mean that we should not hold to any standard of character, be indulgence and tolerate, accepting what any person do as right? Does it mean to cover up sin and wrongdoing, leaving somebody to his own conscience without correcting the person? No. We must appreciate all the word of Jesus together without interpret one part  to contradict the other part.
In our reference chapters  Christ declares, “First cast the beam of thine own eye; and then shall thou see clearly to cast out the note of thy brother’s eye(Matthew 7:5). To perform that, we have to see and indicate “ the  mote”  as fault Christ declares, you must not offer consecrated things unto the dogs.

Monday, 23 October 2017


TEXT: 1Corintians 12:7-11;Psalm 50:20-27;Deuteronomy 13:6-8;Hebrews 12:15,28;Acts 5:1-11;Joshua 7:10-13. Achan in early days of Israel's entry into the land of promise, Ananias and Sapphira came with craftiness,hypocrisy and iniquity to lunch sin and evil into the spirit-filled church. God quickly avoided the situation and the supernatural, soul- winning revival continued. There is a clear shocking exposure of a member's insicererity, hypocrisy and deception from one of our reference chapters: Acts 5:1-11. Ananias hypocrisy involved of imitating godly people, lying and deception to enjoy the praise of men,having a form of godliness, appearing to be righteous whereas hiding sin in the heart. His sin of pretence was to show himself to people that he was righteous so as to acquire position and recognition in the church as a devoted, consecrated, faithful and spiritual disciple. He was professing to have presented everything to God,he secretly withheld part of what he professed to have presented. His mind was filled with deception while his mouth declared uncommon devotion to God. And his wife agreed with him to drop their sin against God and against the church secret. The secret was made known to Apostle  Peter by the Holy Ghost. The word of knowledge, the discerning of spirits, the word of wisdom, gift of the spirit was in control. Sinners could not hide before spirit- controlled Apostles in the early Church. Where the spirit of the living God is present, and preeminent, there will be revelation, inspiration and power. Rapid judgment fell upon these unrepentant sinners who made up their mind to prevent the soul- saving revival in the Church. God immediately purged His Church to protect her in purity and power." And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver:and He shall purify the sons of Levi,and purge them as gold and silver,that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness "(Malachi 3:3).

Saturday, 21 October 2017


Centre verse (Numbers 12:9,10,)"And the anger of the LORD was kindled against them;and he departed. And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle:and, behold, Miriam became leprous,white as snow:and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and behold she was leprous " TEXT: NUMBERS 12:9-16. Although a small member of the body,the tongue is known to be able of doing mighty things. The Bible declares that,the tongue is a fire,a world of iniquity; so the tongue among out members, that it defileth the whole body,and setteth on fire the course of nature... (James 3:6). Unguarded use of the tongue is wicked and it brings judgment. In the time of jealous rage,Miriam and Aaron talked against Moses, their brother, in the attitude that was bad:hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? Moses was explained in the Bible as"very meek" above all the men upon the face of the earth,"he was not in competition for leadership with anybody. This was so an irresponsible difficult task to his authority. "And the anger of the Lord was Kindle against them;and he departed." God noticed what they said and the consequence of their action was instant judgment as Miriam became leprous. The judgment was pronounce to everyone because their unbridled tongue was heard by all. Sin committed publicly should be treated publicly for all to fear and learn, even if the punishment is to be only rebuke. How we need to watch our statements and measure our words before we speak. Words can be compared as bullets fired out of the gun's barrel that cannot be called back. Whatever our situations in life are,we must be aware of the punishments of our spoken words, more especially our leaders in the homes, in the church or in the nation. REMEMBER THIS: The tongue is frightful; the wise beings it under Christ's control. Further Bible verses: Deuteronomy 24:9;2Kings 5:27.


TEXT: Esther 2:1;Ezekiel 36:31;Matthew 5:23;1 Samuel 24:5;Genesis 41:19.Christ Jesus had made known to us the mind of God and judgment of heaven on anger in our interactions. Anger is an evil root in someone's heart that germinates evil fruit in person's life. Anger distract our interaction with our neighbours. "Therefore, if thou bring thy gift to the altar,and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee..." The Pharisees were only concentrated to external acts of adoration, they were not concerned about the condition of their hearts. The internal state of mind and character towards their fellowmen were not put into consideration as a vital issue to their worship of God. Whereas their hearts consumed with the fire of anger and hatred,they were constantly with their external acts of adoration. They were under the severe burden of judgment and condemnation for contempt and conspiracy against Christ Jesus, they were constantly on the act of their worship. God did not accept their worship. They were ignorant that "God is a spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in truth and spirit" (John 4:24). If somebody worships God with enthusiasm and very big commitment, still with anger,hatred and malice in the heart,Christ Jesus, our Lord has pronounced his worship to be miserable and his religion vain. It is more suitable to have the heart proper with God and man than to execute mere outward acts of worship. If,therefore, a person has gone so far as to bring his gift to the very altar,and should remember that somebody had anything against him,it was his responsibility to drop his offering there and go and be reconciled.

Thursday, 19 October 2017


TEXT: Hebrews 11:4;12:24;9:22;Romans 3:24-26;8:16;Genesis 4:4."By faith Abel  offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain,by which he obtained witness that he was righteous"(Hebrews 11:4). The verse explains the origin of the life of faith. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17). By the action and revelation of God, He had made known (1).that in order for sinner to ascend into the hill of the Lord, he needed a covering. (2).that God Himself has to offer the acceptable covering; and (3).that the vital covering could only be possessed by the death of pure victim. This pure victim was the substance for the guilty sinner. Able offered his sacrifice by faith, believing that God was merciful and would receive the death of pure substance in his place. This is the origin of the life of faith. Jesus, the Lamb of God died in place of us. He is the pure victim: the pure substance who died in our place. Faith reaches its hand and hold the Saviour. Sinner is being forgiven and received by God,then he gets witness that he is righteous. Anyone God receives,He numbers to be righteous. Anyone who is justified and received by God also accept divine assurance in their hearts that they are pardoned, righteous and justified.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017


Matthew 24:42-44 has this declaration"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if  the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come,.... Therefore be ye also ready:for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh." It is clear that whosoever that does not get caught up "When Christ returns will be" cut off" to encounter the fury of God and the reign of Satanic antichrist and his demons. What can we do? Since nobody knows the actual time the rapture will take place, it is equally clear that is not everybody will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Hence Christians are cautioned to constantly watch. To watch is to be constantly aware of things happening. And this awareness controls every other thing we do:the way we operate,think,plan,associate and communicate. If there were no peril of being cut off while others are caught up,it will be needless for the Lord to say over and over again WATCH. Sincerely not everybody that carries the Bible calls the name of Christ in prayer or belong to the gospel church will go in the rapture. To be counted worthy for the rapture you need to"take heed to yourself by ensuring that you are sincerely  given your life to Christ, that you permit God to purify your heart and thereby praying daily for grace to conquer the wicked ones. You cannot be successful in life if you don't pay the price. If you must make it in the rapture, there is a price to pay. You have to have a firm conclusion in your mind to serve the Lord to the end. As the devil too mounts up assaults against you,you must continuously be victorious daily not minding the trials and discouragement that you observe around you. You will not admit the pleasures,pursuits, fashions and vanities of this life which are for an appointed time to defile, distract and disqualify you for the catching away. Where will you be when the saints of God are shut in and sinners forever shut out? Think and make necessary amendments before it is too late. If you are not still saved or you were backslidden, do not procrastinate your salvation. Choose life and live. Prepare to be caught up So you will not be forever cut off.


Hebrews 13:16 declares,"But to do good and communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased." Communication in the family will often be a sacrifice since we are required to make use of our time,talent, means and patience to impart, distribute and understand. Family communication is known to  the way verbal and non-verbal message is been passed among family members. Verbal message or information entails spoken conversation and written messages whereas non-verbal information  is the use of body language such as tone or voice, behaviour and facial expressions to convey affection, respect and concern for family members. Communication includes the ability to be attentive to what others are feeling and thinking. Communication is vital! And good,right and effective communication is especially essential if there will be unity in any conversation. Study shows that right family communication is the fundamental characteristics of a strong healthy family. Open and honest communication produces a suitable environment that enables family members to give counsel as well as to express their differences, love and admiration for one another. Through proper interaction, family members are able to settle their problems that come in the families and create a good understanding and relationship with one another. Make proper time to communicate with your family. It encourages family bonds,family bonds enhance the desire for and regular family gatherings and family gatherings offer an equal opportunity for family communication. It moves in a cycle. One leads to,supports, and strengthens one another.


TEXT: Matthew 6:27;10:26,19,20;Isaiah 26:3,4;Psalm 27:13,14;Acts 27:21-25;John 14:1,27. Worry is self-imposed,internally generated disease in Man's family that gradually but certainly destroys many. Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, the Healer of both mind and body,has offered an effective solution. There are several causes of worry and anxiety, but there is a cure that never fails. An accomplished and perfect life awaits us as we become free from worry and anxiety. "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?" Which of you by worrying can extend his life or add to the standard of his life? Worry is unprofitable and useless. What can Man's worry or anxiety achieve except to paralysed him from taking progressive and positive action? Whatever God has established, like Man's height, stature,age or heritage, our worry is of no use and can do nothing to change it. God does not answer to worry,anxiety, unbelief, discontent or murmuring as He answers to prayer and faith. What we cannot do or add by worrying, we can simply possess by faith, by trusting in God who can do all things. Living by faith, God will inject material substances and spiritual blessings to our lives. What is the benefit of worry and anxiety? Who,by anxiety, can improve to life's standard or life span? Anxiety obstructs growth. Faith helps growth and progress. Have faith in God.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017


James 1:8 declares, "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways" To stagger is to walk unsteadily, and a times it leads to a fall that may incapacitate for life. When you stagger, you fall into many things that can damn your soul. A fall into the trap and deceit of the devil will keep you at the mercy of his agents. Doubting the promises of God,His grace to sustain, His mercy and love is simply questioning Him, calling Him a liar or unreliable. For a man to know God,does not mean that He can deny His name. Abraham had every reason to doubt God's promises as a natural man but he submitted to God. He was called out to go to a city he never knew, and was promised a child. Time was fast running out on both he and Sarah,age was not there too,still the promise child did not come. The scripture says,"But against all hope "He was so resolute in faith that even against human understanding, scientific and medical evidence, he believed in Him. Abraham did not abide in his condition or admits impossibilities, neither was his hope came on reasonable expectations. Rather he dwelt on the promises of God. As a believer,to enjoy all the promised blessings, you must have the mind of Christ Jesus. Truely, the devil will try to plague your mind with doubt. You will have a test of faith. You will be victorious if only we are closer to God. Meanwhile, it is not sufficient to make a confession that you believe in Him or you are waiting on God,your conduct, behaviour and attitude to life must reflect that you believe God is capable to do that which He has promised. God's promises cannot fail. Has God given you a promise? Wait patiently for it. Do not stagger at the promises of God through unbelievers!

Monday, 16 October 2017


TEXT: Romans 2:11;10:11,12;James 1:5;Psalms 32::6,7;Matthew 7::8;Numbers 21:8,9. What a great privilege do we have in praying to God concerning our needs. Every Christian and minister of the gospel would do better in life if he understood the prayers of Christ to His disciplines. Christ Jesus, Himself, prayed and received supernatural answers like nobody before Him. There is no partiality with our God. Such quality is only observed in human family because of sinful nature of man(Genesis 37:3;25:28). All these characters: favouritism, preference, partiality,injustice and unfairness always bring problems wherever they are identified either at home or in the church. The word of God forbids partiality in a clear language and it should not be admitted in our families or in the church of the living God. The uprightness of God promises us of His fairness (1 Peter 1:17). In His answer to prayer,God is fair and impartial to all His sons and daughters. The Bible declares "Everyone that asketh receiveth." God is more faithful and immeasurably more just than  any person that ever lived. After God Has given us promises, sometimes, man in his sensual, devilish wisdom may identity reasons and arguments not to obey them:God is immeasurably  more righteous and fairness than man. Most parents, even unbelieving parents, because of having natural love and affection to their children will supply necessities of life for them."HOW MUCH MORE shall your Father  which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?"


1 Peter 3:1-7. Has this declaration to make,"Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word,they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear....But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quite spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price...Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord...Likewise,ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto a weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life;that your prayer be not hindered. "You will observe that the center of this passage is the family by knowing fully well that everyone comes from one family or the other. Following the initial statement, the Spirit of God through Apostle Perter,directed and openly  admonishes  the wife. He tells her exactly the pattern and procedure to embark in order to win her husband to herself and to the Lord,if he is still to give his life to Him. He at the same time, approaches the husband by informing him what he must do to win his wife over. The significant of this set of instructions presented to each other is to make them effective at making their union what God desires it to be:representation of the unity that occurs in the Godhead.

Sunday, 15 October 2017


Centre verse (John 15:13)"Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. "TEXT: JOHN 15:1-14.David and Jonathan had an outstanding friendship. Jonathan joyfully offered his crown to his friend, though he qualified in every aspect to wear it,the rightful heir to the throne after his father Saul. The uncommon relationship and love is admirable, still cannot be compared with that of the Saviour of mankind Jesus Christ, who poured out His precious blood, not for His friends alone, but for His enemies. This thing occurred in the agony of death and he prayed for His Father to pardon His executors because of their ignorance. The writer of psalms encourages you to love the son as a gift of friendship with Him. When someone accepts the love of Christ, it will bring the person into a life-long and eternal agreement and friendship with Him hereafter. Obedience and total surrendered to Him is the only signs that you are His friend, remembering that ignoring His friendship will amount to divine indignation. REMEMBER THIS: JESUS is the true companion you need in life. Further Bible verses: Roman 5:7,8;John 3:16.


TEXT: Hebrews 12:14-17;Leviticus 20:7,8;1Thessalonians 4:7,8;Acts 13:40,41;Ephesians 4:21-25.The believer's call is a high calling, a holy calling and a heavenly calling. " For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness " The call of God is in accordance to His purpose, nature and will. Every sinner is unclean by nature,by selection and by activity. There is no way God can call man to uncleanness for it is forbidden to His nature. From the day of creation to the day of redemption through Christ, God's call to man has been the call to holiness. From the time of the old covenant to this our period of new covenant, God's call has been a call of holiness. The old Testament prophets of God were sent to call His sons and daughters to holiness; The new Testament Apostles, pastors and teachers were empowered to call all Christians to holiness. There is a difference between false prophets and faithful prophets. False prophets confirm and comfort man in his uncleanness whereas true and faithful prophets call the followers of Christ Jesus to holiness. God's holiness call is certain. It is an invariable call because God in His nature is unchangeable. God's provision of holiness is enough because Christ offered Himself so that His Church can be holy. The plan of God in redemption is to establish a holy individual who Will maintain a worthy walk of the divine call to glory and virtue. The call of God into His kingdom cannot be separated from the call to holy and righteous life. The commission of Paul and gospel minister's commission today is to present the church as  pure, a chaste virgin and preserved bride, without spot, wrinkle and blemish to be presented to Christ at His coming. Whosoever that despises the call to holiness, despises God ,despises Christ and denies himself of the provision of Christ and equally neglects the Holy Spirit who is interceding for his holiness. The rejecters of holiness shut the gates of heaven against themselves forever because "without holiness no man shall see the Lord"

Saturday, 14 October 2017


Roman 5:7,8 declares "For scarcely for a righteous man will one die:... But God commendeth his love upon us,in that, while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." A sincere gospel preacher must have Christ-like compassion for the sinners. It was love and compassion to save humanity from impending judgment that brought Christ into it. The similar love and compassion sent  Him out to the lost wherever they were seen,regardless the danger and risk associated to it. Anywhere He noticed sinners, He was moved with compassion towards them,even weeping over them because they are lost souls. He showed love and compassion towards multitudes of sinners, the weary and heavy-laden,the tempted, the afflicted, the diseased and the needy. His love and compassion did not therefore, end with only feeling and weeping for man;they were changed into actions of moving out to seek them;relating with them so He could preach the Gospel with them;interceding for them;and summarily, dying to pay the price for their sins. The love of Christ for humanity was compassion that could not be measured! It was excellent, active and sacrificial. The gospel preachers were called to demonstrate such love and compassion for sinners. The kind of love and compassion that will win the lost souls must be the kind where you are willing to surrender your life for their salvation. Christ like love and compassion for sinners, backslides win them over to God. There are active and enduring rules that bear spiritual fruit:  The woman at the well and multitudes of publicans responded to the Gospel through this rules. The deep love of Paul the Apostle and care for souls won the Gentile world. Love and compassion are still an instruments today in converting sinners and restoring backslides. See that you exploit them!


TEXT: Philippians 4:4;Acts 5:40-42;Psalms 32:11;Matthew 5:12;2 Corintians 7:4. There is power in joyfulness. It is mental food that assists our emotions and strengthens the mind. A joyful attitude renews life. Christ Jesus specifies that the proper behaviour at the period of tribulation is to "rejoice and be exceedingly glad" because the mission of the wicked one is to ,with the tribulation make us depressed and unhappy, discouraged, dejected and consequently be sick. But Jesus wants us to be joyful and healthy. We are not suppose to relax in discouragement and mourn for suffering tribulation; we are to"rejoice... and leap for joy." As Christian, the operation we experience from other people as a result of our faith is not kill our joy. It is our negative explanation of their actions. Nobody is capable of depriving another of his joy. Then we must explain everything that occurs to us with a positive attitude that sustains joy. For that you must not feel guilty for what other people do. The early followers of Christ experienced beating, disgrace, expulsion and imprisonment. But instead to concede guilty, the early disciples were filled with joy,and with the Holy Ghost. And they went on publishing the gospel. The secret is proper explanation of the actions of their persecutions:that they could do no less to them than they did to the the saviour Jesus Christ. They Crucified Him. His disciples were rejoining and continued to preach the gospel not considering their trail for doing God's will. Christian must not take blame for negative actions of others that affect them because of the gospel. As a believer,persecution and trial of faith should not blind your vision of accomplishing the great commission or living a fulfilled Christian life. Always rejoice during persecution, sustain the heavenly vision and make progress in the service of God. During trials, do not permit negative thoughts to becloud your mind and rob you of your joy. Learn to have the attitude of joy and"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say Rejoice "(Philippians 4:4). It will energise your bones,make you to shine and be a healthy Christian.

Friday, 13 October 2017


Centre verse(Hebrews 13:12)"Wherefore Jesus also,that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate. Let us go therefore unto him without the camp bearing his reproach " TEXT: HEBREWS 13:8-15. A man was was conscripted as a soldier into the civil war in England to be involved in a prolonged military assault of Leicester. When he wanted to move ahead with his company, another asked to move in his place. According to the man,"He replaced me coming to the siege." As he was standing at the back of the guard, he was shot in the head by a species of firearm bullet. He gave up the ghost. That sacrifice saved the man from premature death for greater work for the kingdom of God. The same incident of exchange position that led to Christ death on the Cross of Calvary is seen in our today's text. Christ Jesus exchanged positions with us to bear the consequences of our sins and satisfy the judgment of God for our freedom. The Cross is therefore the single place God has selected to reach with the penitent sinners. The altar in our text represents the Cross where the sacrifice occurred. The altar is a place of sacrifice and communion with God. To scorn the only gathering place between God and man is to remove oneself from the only way of reconciliation. That would be equivalent to lose of everlasting life through Christ. Calvary is fulfilled once-for-all sacrifice that everyone has to embraced so as to reconciled to our creator. The Cross is the very center of our belief; It is the sum and substance of the Christian faith. Christ Jesus went to the Cross to bring about reconciliation for the fallen of man. Without this predominant sacrifice, man would have been eternally separated from God. The Cross of Christ is the permanent symbol and structure of Man's justification and redemption. REMEMBER THIS: The Cross crosses out condemnation. Further Bible verses: John 19:17,18; 1Peter 4:14.


Numbers 21:4 declares "And they journeyed to mount Hor by the way of the Red sea,to compass the land of Edom:and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way." Having been aware,those referred in our text are the children of Israel, and "the way" is the wearisome wilderness which they had to move through to the promised Land. If you remember, for many years they had been under the slavery of the Egyptians and they had to wait for many years before their rescue finally arrived. Considering their miraculous escape, their journey to the promise land started. Almighty God fed them everyday with manna from heaven. He led them with pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night (Exodus 13:21,22.). He offered them His love. He equally offered them His word. And He promised them that if they honoured His commandments and obeyed Him,it will be well with them and their children. But after journeyed for many weeks without being to the much scheduled land of promise, "the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way." Truely, if you have given your life to Christ, you too can share with the experience of this people. What they encountered in the land of their captivity can be compared to your life in sin,when you were under the captivity of Satan. You too have had a situation of what it means to be in bondage to the passion of this world which is pertaining to a symbol of Egypt. At different time, you were serving the devil like the children of Israel were serving Pharaoh in Egypt. The habits and practices of this world enslaved your mind. It seems there was no way for your freedom from the inclination of sin and the agony of Satan. But God who is rich in mercy and grace did not allow you to die in bondage of the devil. He saved you and made you His precious child. He offered you a brand new life, a new hope,new focus and many treasured promises for life and eternity. Even you can confess that the miracle of saving grace is indeed the greatest miracle you have received since you were born.

Thursday, 12 October 2017


Centre verse (Proverbs 13:19)"The desire accomplished is sweat to the soul:but it is abomination to fools to depart from evil." TEXT: PROVERBS 13:5-19. Some organizations have book of record which is stuffed with names of people of fame. But some men and women happened to be there because of their inherent desire. Beginning from childhood we start showing different desires,and as we grow up,our desire will continuously be in attachment. Our ardent desire is what has taken us to the place we are today. Men and women are the products of their desires,a right minded person often wants to progress and get to the peak of his profession in life. When impediments and challenges come,some surrender too soon,while others have their attention diverted and lose concentration. Struggle to be consumed to get to heaven,knowing fully well that experiences of salvation and holiness of life are unavoidable virtues for any person desiring to make heaven. Whatsoever your accomplishments are here on earth,at an appointed time,you will go to the great beyond. The longest man that ever lived on this planet,Methuselah, lived for 969 years, but in the end  he died and welcomed his everlasting fate. God interprets the rich man in Luke12:20 as a fool because all his trust was in things of this world. Be wise and make the right decision today. REMEMBER THIS:Do not trust in the things of the world. Further Bible verse: Psalm 27:4.


TEXT: Matthew 5:3;James 4:6-10;Revelation 3:17-22;John 9:26-34;Isaiah 66:2;Proverbs 16:5.Let us answer this questions: What does Jesus mean by being poor in spirit? Who are those who are poor in spirit?. (1) Being poor in spirit does not mean poverty in substance. There are those who are poor in substance and still very arrogant. Someone may be poor in substance, who does not have any thing and still very proud. (2). It does not mean poverty-stricken someone. Someone may be poverty stricken and still not be poor in spirit. (3). It does not mean those who are in penury and starvation. There are those who are in penury and starvation but do neglect help because of pride in their hearts. The poor, simply are people who are in need of money to provide for the essential needs of life. Drawing it home to eternity, the fundamental thing is salvation. The poor in spirit is one that knows that he has nothing to pay for his salvation but depends on Christ totally for his saving grace. There is difference between poor in spirit and proud in spirit. However, you cannot be poor and proud in spirit at the same time. To be poor in spirit is to acknowledge that you have nothing to pay for your saving grace and for that, tremble before God:"him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word." The poor in spirit observes at the greatness, might and judgment of God and sees his absolute need of God's mercy. There are limitations between wealth and riches. Rich people cannot have everything. They may be rich but that does not make them knowledgeable necessarily. You may have wealth yet you may not be immune from physical or emotional pain. Some people are rich still lack wisdom to live and associate with people peaceably. Despite of riches, they are unable to purchase physical things with money how much less the kingdom of God and its wealth. There are people who are poor but do not know that they are destitute like the Laodicean church. Still by the standard of heaven, they are "wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind,and naked." When you acknowledge the personality of God and who you are before Him, you Will not be a proud person even after you have been born again; you will hold the character of contrition in your relationship to God.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017


Centre verse (Judges 12:3)"And when I saw that ye delivered me not,I put my life in my hands, and passed over against the children of Ammon,and the LORD delivered them into my hand:wherefore then are ye come up unto me this day, to fight against me?" TEXT: JUDGES 12:1-6.Life is full of difficult tasks. A times,this difficult tasks could be overwhelming and apparently insurmountable. As a result of that, some people will throw their hands into the sky in total surrender not having a drop of sweat. But those who capture the bull by the horn encounter their difficult tasks, identifying all obstacles as stepping stones until they sing the overcoming song. Jephthah was confronted with immediate danger of evaluation of his people by the Ephraimites who determined to mobilize his men for war. He has looked up to the people of Ephraim for help during the time Ammonites came against them,the help he never obtained. Ephraim was exactly searching for an excuse to spike Gilead perhaps underestimating their military capability. Even those Ephraimites who escaped were equally butchered as they failed the pronunciation test of Shibboleth. There are pronounced lessons to learn from the arrangement and leadership of Jephthah. It was inspiring. He mobilized, inspired and instilled confidence into his people to handle the challenge of the children of Ephraim. And at last,they conquered. Today, Jephthah had a legacy as the man who said,as regards his vow to God:"I have opened my mouth unto the LORD, and I cannot go back "(Judges 11:35). Victory is waiting for all who had made up their mind,like Jephthah, in fighting the battles of life. Christ Jesus did not promise anyone an easy life. In the world He say,Christian shall have tribulations that He will support the courageous to be victorious and prevail. REMEMBER THIS: Courage is all about taking bull by the horn. Further Bible verses:1 Samuel 19:5;Job 13:14.


EPHESIANS 5:21."declares "submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God." When there is an affection, it implies having similar feeling one for another. Mutual submission does not explain that both parents must offer in exactly the same ways. Our perfect example Christ Jesus, offered Himself to the church in one way as a servant leadership role that cost Him His life. And church gives herself to Christ in another way by respecting His leadership and thereby following Him. Obedience in the family does not rule out the pattern of Christ-like leadership and Christ-like obedience. It does not neglect those roles;it only transform them. If we must have harmony in our homes, we must know the proper role of obedience and love in marriage. In regard to the declaration of our text, "submitting yourself one to another in the fear of God." This shows that love and obedience in the home must be mutually stated by both husband and wife towards each other. The husband and the wife should love and obey each other. They should dwell in the spirit of care and humility towards each other and it must be carried out in with reverence to God. If you want to have stable peace, joy and harmony in your home,you are to surrender to one another as a couple without establishing to have your own way all the time. The scripture demands that Christian love one another with brotherly love. Love and obedience work hand in hand. Where there is absence of love,obedience will be difficult. Every person deserves to be loved. So love cannot be one sided. Let love be the guide in your home and value one another. When there is an upliftment of self,it brings problems in the relationship; for that crucify it. Here is the pivot of it all,when a husband and wife submit to and love one another; since they are mandated to always looking for the best in each other and respect one another, they become an emblem of love of God to others.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017


Centre verse (Psalm 118:20)"This gate of the LORD, into which the righteous shall enter." TEXT: PSALM 118:19-29. A gate has a function of either admits or excludes passage of people. The description of gates to a public place such as stadium often have multitude, some going, some coming,others parading around. In the scripture according to saint Luke (Luke 11:52),the gate of the kingdom of God is said to harbour some who neither move in or allow those who are willing to enter in. They pretend to possess knowledge and wisdom still they are disqualified from the kingdom of God because of their iniquity. The gate of God's kingdom is a checking spot where unwanted persons are divided from those who desire to move in,and will not permit a person who commits adultery, formication, lasciviousness, idolatry and every other works of the flesh as recorded in the epistle of Paul to Galatians 5:19-21. "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators,nor idolaters,nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers,nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God" (1Corintians 6:9,10). Every person who checks him or herself shall not be embarrassed at the ultimate gate to the kingdom of God. REMEMBER THIS: Check yourself and avoid those sins. Further Bible verses: Luke 12:27;Matthew 6:28-32.


TEXT: JOEL 2:28-32;MATTHEW 3:11,12;ACTS 1:4,5,8;JOHN 7:37-39;ACTS 2:14-21. The baptism with Holy Spirit has specific objectives explained by Christ Jesus. "But ye shall receive POWER after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in Judea,and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1:8). Peter who denied Christ with oaths and curses about fifty days earlier has now courageously bore record to the death,resurrection and exaltation of Christ Jesus. He was no more fearful, timid,he evangelised to the crowd of religious Jews with conviction,compassion and courage. The Lord had promise him to offer him the keys of the kingdom of heaven and now we see him handling the keys of Gospel-evangelising to open the door of faith for multitudes to enter into the kingdom. Having seen thousands of Jews assembled, imagining the sight and sound they saw and heard,he stood to offer the true and scriptural interpretation that the Spirit of God had been poured out on the disciples of Christ as stated by the prophet Joel. The baptism with the Holy Ghost offered the recipients illumination, inspiration,revelation, interpretation,power,courage, zeal and wisdom.Peter at the same time,quoted from Joel and Psalms and issued the explanation as it relates to Christ and then applied the scripture with persuasive and penetrating effect.

Monday, 9 October 2017


Centre verse (Ecclesiastes 11:8)"But if a man lives many years, and rejoice in them all:yet let him remember the days of darkness; for they shall be many. All that cometh is vanity. "TEXT: ECCLESIASTES 11:7-10.They say,time is money, and it is difficult to argue. Alderman Lesley writes in his book,the book of times about the marking away of seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, decades and centuries. The book centers on how to spend, saves invests on ones time. Alderman's pick on this as an interesting in the life of humanity. He reasons that being a bit mindful with one's time and work including researching is good for you and your productivity. If you are engage in that, you are going to be more effective and less bored than your colleagues. Spending time with Christ Jesus, the spring of life, may lead you to riches and righteousness. My beloved, struggle to spend more time working for God and learning and less time on social activities. In the same way, if you want to live a successful happy life,think more about time,while numbering your days. However, exercise regularly because it is possible to develop discipline through exercise, which assists in your destiny. Anytime you are in confusion about spending your time,seek counsel from more wiser and more experienced persons. REMEMBER THIS: Time is marking away so fast. Further Bible verse: Proverbs 21:18.


TEXT: PSALM 133:1-3.Declares "Behold ,how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard,even Aaron's beard:that went down to the skirts of the garments; as the dew of Harmon,and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion:for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore." Presented in this short psalm is the benefit of unify in marriage. The psalmist uses words to conclude the fact that unity is comely. Being a points from this, you should be familiar that the best and the greatest thing you can do for your family, as husband or wife is to maintain unity and peace in the home. Unity is good. It is good for the couple, as well as the family, the church and the nation. The writer of psalm also tells us that it is pleasant. You have the greatest joy,pleasure and enjoyment when your family is united in heart,purpose and priority. This shows that there is no clash,but your spirits are united as one. In the same way,it is pleasant thing when husband and wife share common confront in true fellowship and in an environment free from strife and conflict. The psalmist clearly explains unity as precious ointment. He compares it to the ointment that flows from Aaron's head to beard and skit of his garment. The whole family is expected to be united the same way. Unity should flow from husband who is the head to the wife and children. Wife should realise that your husband is a masterpiece from God;and as the husband, your wife is a masterpiece of creation and a perfect handiwork of God. When unity,harmony,fellowship and love are poured upon your wife or your husband like the holy anointing oil upon Aaron,you will be separated as a family for God's device. Unity among the family promotes the spiritual life and growth of the children. However, God naturally deposits his blessings upon the family when there is unity, harmony, love and affection in the home. In the home where there is this virtues, For is always there to reign, to rule and to bless, for verse 3 of our text declares,"...for there the LORD commanded the blessing even life forevermore."

Saturday, 7 October 2017


Centre verse (Titus 2:12)"Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts,we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world."TEXT: TITUS: 2:11-15. The quality of being worldly " the list of the flesh(having passion for pleasurable satisfaction), the lust of the eyes(having unreasonable request for the beautiful things of life),and the pride of life." The quality of being worldly is preoccupation with ease and an abundance of wealth. It promotes indulgence to the point of idolatry. It includes living a life devoted to pleasure and spending too much money on oneself. Do not pamper worldliness, pride and selfishness; they beget feeling of displeasure against others. Rather, run away from worldly practices. Always delight yourself in things that will lead you to eternal rest with God in heaven. REMEMBER THIS: Do not struggle to be like people of the world. Further Bible verses: 1John 2:15;1 Peter 4:1,2.

Friday, 6 October 2017


Centre verse (Psalm 55:17)"Evening, and morning, and at noon,will I pray,and cry aloud:and he shall hear my voice." TEXT: PSALM 55:16-23. If you want to excel in life, the certain way is to spend time with the Lord in prayer. In the same way,success in life simply comes to people who spend time on their knees seeking the divine intervention of God. Contrary to this, it is difficult to achieve your life priorities. If you must accomplish your goals, then you must pray. You surely need progress in one area of your life or the other. To attain this, you must not neglect your quite time first thing every early everyday. This is a quite period during which you interact with the Lord in prayer,you study and meditate on the Bible. Any time you pray,God recognizes your expression and is ready to answer you. As you pray for progress,remember that the prayer of a sinner is an abomination to Him. Therefore you must make your ways right with God today. REMEMBER THIS: Success in life of a Christian is not a game of chance. Further Bible verse Psalm 5:3.


Centre verse (2 chronicles 21:12)"And they came a writing to him from Elijah the prophet, saying,thus saith the LORD God of David thy father, Because thou hast not walked in the way of Jehoshaphat thy father, nor in the way of ASA king of Judah."TEXT: 2Chronicles 21:5-17. Elijah the prophet who commanded fire and rain down at his prayers inscribed a letter to a bad and wicked king Jehoram the son of good king Jehoshaphat. The letter was that of judgement and death because he renounced God and directed the chosen people of Judah and Jerusalem into wickedness and sin. You have to realise that if you abandon God, evil will pursue you. King Jehoram had a holy prophet of God from whom he could seek counsel but he decided to be an enemy of God to rebel against the God of his father, Jehoshaphat. Many people reject the holy word of God. They prefer carefree lives,ungodliness, immoral relationships, robbery lifestyle, occultism and idolatry. The reality of life is that such people are full of tales of sorrows and woes. God is warning us today through prophet Elijah that if we follow the footpath of Jehoram, our sorrow will be terrible. If you are still a transgressor,God is waiting for your prayer of repentance. REMEBER THIS: You must know the true God,your Maker. Further Bible verse: Deuteronomy 31:16.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017


Centre verse (Genesis 19:16)"And while he lingered, the men laid upon his hand and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters; the Lord being merciful unto him,and they brought him forth,and set him without the city." TEXT: GENESIS 19:12-17. The story of Lot might not have been a strange story to you. Lot was ordered by God as a message came to him from God to escape because judgment was coming and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah would be wasted. But he nearly passed away in the city when he was unwilling to depart. Out of the tender mercy of God,the angels rushed Lot,informing him to get up and hurry out with his wife and two daughters, so that they would not be consumed in the iniquity of the city. He responded and was saved by the protective hand of God. You must not keep putting off your repentance. Sin is dangerous. If you are still lingering like Lot,you may not have the similar grace he had. Therefore, repent and come to Jesus Christ the Saviour of mankind today,so that He will pardon you all your iniquities and offer you eternal life. Hell is real and it wasn't made for man but for Satan and his angels. But remember, because of unrepentant heart of man,it has made him to take a place of eternal torment and anguish. REMEMBER THIS: Don't put off your repentance. Further Bible verse: Psalm 34:22.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017


Centre verse (Acts 10:19,20)" While Peter thought on the vision, the spirit said unto him,Behold three men seek thee. Arise therefore, and get thee down,and go with them,doubting nothing: for I have sent them. TEXT: ACTS 10:9-20. The minister of a church concluded that God was directing the church to a new vision. After meeting by the elders of the church one day, he made known the new vision with as much conviction and passion as he could exhibit. After the presentation, the chairperson to the elders in the church called for a vote. The 14 elders voted against the new vision, with only the minister voting for it. " Well pastor, seems that you will have to think again your vision," the elders chairperson said. He then requested, " will you like to end the meeting in prayer? The minister of God lifted his hands to heaven and offered prayer unto God," Lord please reveal to these person that it is not my vision but it's your vision! At that instant, the clouds darkened and a lightening spark shot out of the window, separating the table in two. The elders were all knocked out of their seats while the pastor was still standing unmovable. As the elders dusted themselves, the chairperson said, " well,that's fourteen votes to two now." Following our text,Peter had a vision of different kinds of animals dropped down from heaven for his menu. He rejected to eat despite sequential instruction to do so until it was taken to heaven. He was instructed by God not to regard what God has purified as unclean,He warned him to go and preach to Cornelius,the Gentile. Peter had at an earlier time restricted himself to the Israeli religion because of racial prejudice. But God used the vision to show him that the gospel and its advantages are for men. Visions from God will often push you beyond your natural restrictions and boundary, energised you to do what you could not ordinarily do with outstanding results. Vision cannot be a reality without an action; so act on your God given vision today. REMEMBER THIS: A vision without an objective is but a dream; an objective without a vision is tedious. Further Bible verses: Acts 11:12,15:7.

Monday, 2 October 2017


Centre verse (1 Kings 20:40)"And as thy servant was busy here and there, he was gone. And the king of Israel said unto him,so shall thy judgment be; thyself hast decided it." TEXT: 1 KINGS 20:39-43. Many people have no goals in life. There was a person who worked so hard to produced a specialization for himself. He did his work attentively and with a high sense of honesty. Because of that, he became the most trustworthy person and faithful selection as personal assistant to Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of a well known institution. Unfortunately, he failed to predetermined his goals in school right. Consequently, his performance was very poor in his degree examination because he spent so much time attaining to the Dean of the faculty and gave little time to his studies. Set your goals right in everything you do. It is an elegant thing to be honest and responsible at home and in your place of work. However, if care is not taken,the tendency to be too busy unnecessary at the expense of your career life, could cause you failure. Always be sure that your activities like visitation, conversation with colleagues and interactions with your mates are beneficial to your goals,if you want to accomplish any goal. REMEMBER THIS: Do not be busy doing nothing. Further Bible verses: Psalm 89:47,90:4.

Sunday, 1 October 2017


Centre verse (Proverbs 13:19)" The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul: but it is abomination to fools to depart from evil." TEXT: PROVERBS 13:18-25. In life there is nothing as so essential as seeking to become bigger or achieve great things. A few years back,a reporter interviewed somebody and asked the person to indicate the greatest moment of his life. His supporters clearly reminded him of his elegant voice. During a certain festival period he appeared beneath a high altitude and sang a song of adoration to the crowd in their thousands which included cabinet members, supreme court Justices and most members of Congress. The greatest moment in your life could be the day you come back home and reckon again an achievement story to your friends, parents and even your leaders. A man once said, you have only one life to live here on this planet earth. That is the only reason it pleases the heart no matter what comes after it,to try to achieve things in this life that makes God happy, and not merely to have a soft and pleasant time. Remember that what you achieve in your career, academics, ministry and other areas of your life determines on your relationship with Christ Jesus. REMEMBER THIS: Ministry that cost nothing, achieves nothing. Further Bible verse: Proverbs 13:12.

Saturday, 30 September 2017


Centre verse (2 Samuel 22:50)" Therefore I will give thanks unto thee,O LORD, among the heathen,and I will sing praises unto thy name." TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 22:40-51. A good singer observed that she had cancer of the tongue and that there was need for surgery. In the hospital when everything was ready for the doctor to carry out the operation, the woman said to the medical doctor, " Are you telling me that I will never sing again? The surgeon only shook her head and said,no! The patient then requested if she could sit up for a moment. " I have had many excellent moment singing praises and worship of God," she mentioned " And this time you are telling me I can never offer such service to the God of heaven: I have a single song that will be my last. It will equally be of gratitude and worship to God our king. Do you find time to sing worship songs to the Lord, or you lavish all your time to enjoy life or to dwell upon moodily over your challenges and trials. Paul and Silas sang spiritual songs when they were in prison. The psalmist and the woman also in our reference of study offered gratitude and worship to God,despite their situations. REMEMBER THIS: The Lord is happy with people who sing praises and worship to Him. Further Bible verse: Hebrews 13:15.

Friday, 29 September 2017


Centre verse (Deuteronomy 29:9)" Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them,that ye may prosper in all that you do." TEXT: DEUTERONOMY 29:9-18. An American business giant, computer programmer, William Bill Gates who originally established his name as the Co-founder of Microsoft, the world's largest PC software company with Allen Paul. He was blessed beyond measure that he became the wealthiest in the world from 1995-2014. He has been following the generous strive of donating Huge amount of money to different charitable Organizations,according to the revelation of God to him. No wonder he was blessed in that extent by God. The undeniable direction to prosperity is obedience to God's commandment. The promise of His prosperity is anchored on obedience to his word. Giving to God must be out of willingness and with a perfect heart. For God to accept your gift and prosper you,first surrender your life to Him. Be a cheerful giver. REMEMBER THIS: God prosper those who offer willingly to Him. Further Bible verse: 1 Chronicles 29:6-9.

Thursday, 28 September 2017


Centre verse (Psalm 09:6,9)" In the morning it flourisheth,and growth up,in the evening it is cut down,and withereth away. For all our days are passed away in wrath: we spend our years as a tales that is told" TEXT: PSALM 90:1-9. He has a busy work place activities as his office. He was an assistant Director and Chairman of the company's Board. Everyone was looking for him. Any person who didn't had the opportunity to meet with him in the office will locate him at home. Almost in his peak,he was resourceful and full of life. One day,he had took some files home to work on. But immediately he moved out of his car,he suddenly collapsed heavily. He was carried to the hospital only to be confirmed death soon after with so much work left undone and many premises still to be accomplished. Regrettably, he was dead! " man that is born of a woman is of a few days, and full of trouble." Our text under study is Moses prayer,the servant of God. It was perhaps documented during the ugly wilderness experience of the children of Israel. Many of the people had sinned against God by murmuring. They didn't know that death was close and thereby perished without repentance. Moses as his manner of life,pleaded with God for mercy and to restore His favour,acknowledging how brief life is,just like a story that is told! Today, many people are living life as if they have spare of it somewhere. While God is everlasting, man's life is as short as a watch in the night. An analyst put it this way:" your life is like a blade of grass that sprouts, fades, withers and dies in a day." Our life does not belong to us; we must so use it only the proper way the owner has stated. Do you like your life to suit yourself? The Owner can call it back today. Be wise,remember thy creator now that there is breath in you. Tomorrow may not be there for any body. REMEMBER THIS: Spare a thought today about your life. Further Bible verse: Psalm 92:7, Job 14:2.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


Centre verse (Exodus 17:3)" And the people thirsted there for water;and the people murmured against Moses,and said,Wherefore is this that thou brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?" TEXT: EXODUS 17:1-7. There is temporal or spiritual divine origin of every leadership. The Bible categorically instructs that we should respect people in authority. But in our considering text,the children of Israel condemned Moses, their leader,because of scarcity of water to drink. They raised a damning charge against him,that he purposely brought them out of Egypt to kill them,their children and their cattle in the wilderness. Apart from that, they were actually ready to stone him. However, Moses reminded them against incurring the wrath of God. He equally interceded fervently to God for the people and God honoured his prayers. Today,many without fear say all sort of things against leaders when they have some certain challenges. Rather than putting their faith in God,they become impatient and shift their hostilities to their leaders-- holding them responsible for their unfortunate situation. Such behaviour of unbelief and rebellion that are supposed to be the character of the people of the world are seen in the church today. The scripture warns that such behaviour will amount to tempting God. The Almighty God satisfied them. In so doing, He told Moses to go to the mount with some elders of Israel so that they will experience the miracle and know that it was He who provided the water not Moses. He equally wanted to show to them that He was still under control as far as the control of their affairs was concerned. Leaders are ordained by God. They are therefore to be honoured. Rather than criticize leaders, let us learn the habit of interceding for them. REMEMBER THIS: Impulsive criticism against God ordained leaders is lack of reverence against Him. Further Bible verse: Exodus 16:2.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


Centre verse (Genesis 15:1)" After this things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision,saying, fear not,Abram:I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward." TEXT: GENESIS 15:1-5. To be frightened is the greatest difficulty of a largest group of people. The fear of failure in life is common among people. There are so many fear of man like fear of ridicule, rejection or being regarded as odd by fellows, fear of future: people worry over their sustenance, for reason best known to them. No matter how your background may be,you have nothing to fear as long as God is still on the throne. Regardless how challenging your work may be,you can prosper with Jehovah Jireh by your side. Let your confidence be in the Almighty God and you must not be disappointed. Fear not because God can make you accomplish great thing for Him. Are you frightened to preach Christ Jesus at evangelism? Are you frightened to be known with Christ among unbelievers? With the support of the Holy Ghost, you can do great exploit for the kingdom of God. REMEMBER THIS: Fear should not prevent you from sharing your faith to others. Further Bible verse: John 16:33.

Monday, 25 September 2017


Center verse (Matthew 5:8)" Blessed are the pure in heart,for they shall see God." TEXT: MATTHEW 5:6-8. God is holy and insists that all human beings who are His children should take His attribute of sanctification everywhere, anytime in their lives. We all knew naturally that children resemble their parents. Any deviation from that, it will assume that there is something wrong somewhere. Any born again Christian possesses the image of God which was lost to sin at the garden of Eden. Sanctification is possible, if not,God wouldn't make it an indispensable for entry into heaven. Do you know that only the sanctify will see God? Be sanctify today and you will abide with God in heaven,since heaven itself is holy. To be sanctify, you must take the first step of repentance for sin and become a saved soul. After the saving grace, pray for the power of God to destroy the root to sin from your living. REMEMBER THIS: Sanctification is an indispensable for entry into heaven. Further Bible verse: Luke 1:75.

Sunday, 24 September 2017


Centre verse (James 4:17)" To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not,to him it a sin." TEXT: JAMES 4:11-17. Gangsters were brought before the Judge for lack of esteeming the king. The first among the criminals was accused of locking the king out while the second among the group,although he took him with extreme cheerfulness locked him in. Who is innocent among the two criminals? Are you aware that sinners are criminals, guilty of not accepting Christ the king into their lives? A believer is also responsible for a dishonest act of sin if he fails to carry out the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ to sinners in the world. Don't be hear some in words only but indeed. The selection of accepting Christ as your Lord and Redeemer today is yours for the taking. The selection of living unconquerable life in today's polluted and corrupt world is yours. The selection of preaching the gospel to sinners in your environment is yours today. The selection of living a sanctified life and making it in the rapture,my beloved is yours to make. May the Lord guide us to always take the right decision that will lead to fruitful and accomplished life. Let the aroma of God's grace flow in your life today. REMEMBER THIS: Move,stand and speak...to the people the words of this life. Further Bible verses: Matthew 21:28-31.

Saturday, 23 September 2017


Centre verse (Joshua 1:8)"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth: but thou shall meditate therein day and night,that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written: for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. "TEXT: JOSHUA 1:1-9. Habit can be defined as thing you do often and almost without thinking, especially something that is hard to stop doing. Some of the habits for great achiever for God are:Training, from training we can have transformation from trivialities, reawakening from responsibilities, advance in achievements, increase integrity, nuture of nobody into nobility, integration with internship, nourishment of the new nature and thereby growing in godliness. Include here as habits for great achievers for God are- Accept the great privilege from God, believe great promises from God,consecrate great potentials to God,declare great proclamation from God,exercise great promptness for God,finished great project for God, gather great people for God, arise with God's people and go on,behold great places and go there,confront great principalities and powers and go through (Joshua 1:6) .Dare great possibilities for God and go over,execute great planes for God and go on,focus on the great pronouncement for God and go forth and equally go with great passion with God and grow. Therefore as a great achiever for God,you must take these cautions: Absorbing their knowledge assignment, burn the bridle behind you,conquer cowardice and compromise within,demonstrate determination and dominion to duty,embrace God's explicit word in His entirety and finally go on,go out,go through until you reach the goal. REMEMBER THIS: To wear the crown of life, you must have seven habits of successful workers. Further Bible verses: Deuteronomy 17:18,19,, Psalm 1:2.

Friday, 22 September 2017


Centre verse (Ezekiel 33:11)"Say unto them,As I live,saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked;but that the wicked turn from his wicked way and live:turn ye,turn ye from your evil ways;for why will ye die,O house of Israel? " TEXT: EZEKIEL 33:10-16. God posed an essential question to the Israelites. God is in the same way asking you the similar question this day: why will you die?why will you die when Jesus Christ surrendered His life as a sacrifice for you soul? Why will you continue to bear the shame and reproach of sin why He took our shame and reproach upon Himself? Why will you remain poor when He became poor so that you can be rich toward God?(2Corintians 8:9). Why will you be in the torment of hell when He has already defeated hell on your behalf? Why will you continue to serve the slave market of sin when He has redeemed you with a price? Why will you remain locked up in sin when He has unlocked the chain of sin and death? Why will you remain far from God when by His death He bridged the gap between you and God,offering you  free access to Him? Why will you remain in defeat when He has won the battle over sin,Satan and the world? Why will you remain in the dept when He came to erase all your dept? Why will you remain in bondage to sin or Satan when He has already paid the price for your freedom? Why will you remain in guilt and condemnation when His dying brought pardon and Justification? (Roman 5:8). Why will you remain in sickness when He bore so many stripes for any sickness? Why will you continue in your ruthlessness when He came to offer you forgiveness? Why will you die when He has no pleasure in the death of sinners? Why will you spend eternity in hell when He has prepared a bright and beautiful heaven of everlasting rest and joy for you? Why are you deliberating to give Jesus Christ the Lordship of your life? How long do we intend to continue in our stubbornness against God? Are you not tired of your sin? Why will you die in those sins? My beloved, don't allow the suffering and sacrifice of Christ to be in vain in our life? Please we must not toil with our soul. Eternity is real. Judgement is sure. Give your life to Christ before it is too late. Don't cross over into eternity without Him. I am assuring you; eternity without Him will be very dark and dreary. You don't want to have a taste of it. Accept Him today and escape the wrath to come! REMEMBER THIS: Judgement is sure. Further Bible verses: 2 Samuel 14:14,2 Peter 3:9.

Thursday, 21 September 2017


Centre verse (Psalm 91:1)"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." TEXT: PSALM 91:1-16. Everyday,people are faced with security and safety challenges, because of that, desire shield. Like a new born babe who desires security from the bitterness of evil people, Christians desire protection from the devouring spiritual wickedness in the high places. Every Christian living in the world full of wickedness often warns from righteous living, because the hungry bloody sucking demon always looks for the isolated soul to pounce on. Any Christian who stays away from the protected hands of the Almighty God to seek security under cultism and families spirits are introduced to a fierce attack of the devil. It is not only hazardous but also deliberately misleading for you to live without the protection of the Lord in whose blood there is redemption. Stop taking cover under the falsehood of the world, because there is no security in the use of things such as magic rings,fetish band, charms and among others. Be watchful and make Christ Jesus your refuge and buckler instead of admitting your friends to deceive you into false safety of the world. REMEMBER THIS: Stop hiding under the falsehood of the world. Further Bible verses: Job 5:21,Psalm 27:5.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017


Centre verse (Luke 8:14)"And that which fell among thorns are they,which, when they have heard,go forth,and choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life,and bring no fruit for perfection." TEXT: LUKE 8:4-14. The word of God which is the Bible is stuffed with some people who were mighty men of God because they avoided the anxiety of this life. Moses renounced the abundant riches in Egypt and valued the blame of Christ Jesus. Joseph the son of Jacob, ran away from Potipher's wife who was trying to lure him into sin of immortality against the will of God. He benefited a piece of help from God and finally was made the Prime minister of Egypt. Daniel opposed temptation which constantly confronted him in the city of Babylon. He abided faithfully to God and was made the best president in Babylon. Does your life have conformity to the word of God? Or do you pretend to be a Christian while following the care of this world. Do not be in the company of those who find it very hard to abandon wickedness like immoral relationship, internet fraud,occultism and among others. There is an expectation for you if you submit your life totally to the Lord today. Trust and obey Him and he will give you power to conquer the anxieties of this present age. REMEMBER THIS: You must forsake worldly lust and live for Christ. Further Bible verses 1 John 2:15-17.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017


Centre verse (Ecclesiastes 3:1)" To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." TEXT: ECCLESIASTES 3:1-8. Time and the periodic change of the sea level does not wait for anybody. It is an ordinary phrase which emphasizes the desire for all persons to be careful how him/ she manages time. If we carry out an evaluation of how we spend our time,it will be totally pronounced to us where we are wasting away. It is mutual among some sets of people to spend their time in functions that nullify the fulfillment of the success and achievements of their desire. Some activities like home videos, computer games and among other time consuming activities have become crafty means by which demon confiscates the time of many people today. Don't be an unfortunate person that will suffer from this vices. Always be wise. Life is short, therefore, make the best use of your time as long as you live.Every minute is precious gift of God that is irrevocable, if wasted. You have to endeavour to use your time wisely so as to succeed in life,move ahead in the kingdom of Christ and improve your relationship with Him on this earth. REMEMBER THIS:God does not permit you to waste away your short  time on earth. Further Bible verse: James 4:14.