Centre verse (2 Samuel 22:50)" Therefore I will give thanks unto thee,O LORD, among the heathen,and I will sing praises unto thy name." TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 22:40-51. A good singer observed that she had cancer of the tongue and that there was need for surgery. In the hospital when everything was ready for the doctor to carry out the operation, the woman said to the medical doctor, " Are you telling me that I will never sing again? The surgeon only shook her head and said,no! The patient then requested if she could sit up for a moment. " I have had many excellent moment singing praises and worship of God," she mentioned " And this time you are telling me I can never offer such service to the God of heaven: I have a single song that will be my last. It will equally be of gratitude and worship to God our king. Do you find time to sing worship songs to the Lord, or you lavish all your time to enjoy life or to dwell upon moodily over your challenges and trials. Paul and Silas sang spiritual songs when they were in prison. The psalmist and the woman also in our reference of study offered gratitude and worship to God,despite their situations. REMEMBER THIS: The Lord is happy with people who sing praises and worship to Him. Further Bible verse: Hebrews 13:15.
Saturday, 30 September 2017
Centre verse (2 Samuel 22:50)" Therefore I will give thanks unto thee,O LORD, among the heathen,and I will sing praises unto thy name." TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 22:40-51. A good singer observed that she had cancer of the tongue and that there was need for surgery. In the hospital when everything was ready for the doctor to carry out the operation, the woman said to the medical doctor, " Are you telling me that I will never sing again? The surgeon only shook her head and said,no! The patient then requested if she could sit up for a moment. " I have had many excellent moment singing praises and worship of God," she mentioned " And this time you are telling me I can never offer such service to the God of heaven: I have a single song that will be my last. It will equally be of gratitude and worship to God our king. Do you find time to sing worship songs to the Lord, or you lavish all your time to enjoy life or to dwell upon moodily over your challenges and trials. Paul and Silas sang spiritual songs when they were in prison. The psalmist and the woman also in our reference of study offered gratitude and worship to God,despite their situations. REMEMBER THIS: The Lord is happy with people who sing praises and worship to Him. Further Bible verse: Hebrews 13:15.
About Unknown
I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...