Tuesday, 24 October 2017


Judge not”  This is Christ command to every Christian. He is warning every believer on the common activities of judging and condemning one another. It is not following the principle of love when any person turns the Christian community to a law court and selects himself a judge or magistrate over every one in the family, in God’s family or in his community.
The real believers have  new heart and a new spirit. A critical spirit that makes person to criticise and condemn anyone and everything around him is not the spirit of Christ. Love comes from God and the continuous state of mind that watches for others wrong doings whereas he overlook his own faults is  contrary to kindness, love and fairness. Seeking very high standard of love from others while he himself demonstrates low moral standard is not a Christian life;it is not biblical. After removing the beam in our eye, we can then assist our brother remove the note in his eye. After checking on ourselves, after true repentance, and transparent righteousness in our own lives, we can direct  and counsel our fellow brother(2 Thessalonians 3:14,15).
    Luke 6:7;Isaiah 29:20,21;John 8:26,44-47;Matthew 7:1.
    Christ Jesus has commanded us not to judge anyone but what is the meaning of this statement? If we do not understand the meaning of this statement by Christ Jesus, we shall not properly obey. Does it mean that we must never see,evaluate correct any fault others do? Does it mean that we should not hold to any standard of character, be indulgence and tolerate, accepting what any person do as right? Does it mean to cover up sin and wrongdoing, leaving somebody to his own conscience without correcting the person? No. We must appreciate all the word of Jesus together without interpret one part  to contradict the other part.
In our reference chapters  Christ declares, “First cast the beam of thine own eye; and then shall thou see clearly to cast out the note of thy brother’s eye(Matthew 7:5). To perform that, we have to see and indicate “ the  mote”  as fault Christ declares, you must not offer consecrated things unto the dogs.


About Unknown

I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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