Saturday, 14 October 2017


TEXT: Philippians 4:4;Acts 5:40-42;Psalms 32:11;Matthew 5:12;2 Corintians 7:4. There is power in joyfulness. It is mental food that assists our emotions and strengthens the mind. A joyful attitude renews life. Christ Jesus specifies that the proper behaviour at the period of tribulation is to "rejoice and be exceedingly glad" because the mission of the wicked one is to ,with the tribulation make us depressed and unhappy, discouraged, dejected and consequently be sick. But Jesus wants us to be joyful and healthy. We are not suppose to relax in discouragement and mourn for suffering tribulation; we are to"rejoice... and leap for joy." As Christian, the operation we experience from other people as a result of our faith is not kill our joy. It is our negative explanation of their actions. Nobody is capable of depriving another of his joy. Then we must explain everything that occurs to us with a positive attitude that sustains joy. For that you must not feel guilty for what other people do. The early followers of Christ experienced beating, disgrace, expulsion and imprisonment. But instead to concede guilty, the early disciples were filled with joy,and with the Holy Ghost. And they went on publishing the gospel. The secret is proper explanation of the actions of their persecutions:that they could do no less to them than they did to the the saviour Jesus Christ. They Crucified Him. His disciples were rejoining and continued to preach the gospel not considering their trail for doing God's will. Christian must not take blame for negative actions of others that affect them because of the gospel. As a believer,persecution and trial of faith should not blind your vision of accomplishing the great commission or living a fulfilled Christian life. Always rejoice during persecution, sustain the heavenly vision and make progress in the service of God. During trials, do not permit negative thoughts to becloud your mind and rob you of your joy. Learn to have the attitude of joy and"Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say Rejoice "(Philippians 4:4). It will energise your bones,make you to shine and be a healthy Christian.


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I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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14 October 2017 at 02:52 delete

Rejoice in the Lord always.
