Friday, 22 September 2017


Centre verse (Ezekiel 33:11)"Say unto them,As I live,saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked;but that the wicked turn from his wicked way and live:turn ye,turn ye from your evil ways;for why will ye die,O house of Israel? " TEXT: EZEKIEL 33:10-16. God posed an essential question to the Israelites. God is in the same way asking you the similar question this day: why will you die?why will you die when Jesus Christ surrendered His life as a sacrifice for you soul? Why will you continue to bear the shame and reproach of sin why He took our shame and reproach upon Himself? Why will you remain poor when He became poor so that you can be rich toward God?(2Corintians 8:9). Why will you be in the torment of hell when He has already defeated hell on your behalf? Why will you continue to serve the slave market of sin when He has redeemed you with a price? Why will you remain locked up in sin when He has unlocked the chain of sin and death? Why will you remain far from God when by His death He bridged the gap between you and God,offering you  free access to Him? Why will you remain in defeat when He has won the battle over sin,Satan and the world? Why will you remain in the dept when He came to erase all your dept? Why will you remain in bondage to sin or Satan when He has already paid the price for your freedom? Why will you remain in guilt and condemnation when His dying brought pardon and Justification? (Roman 5:8). Why will you remain in sickness when He bore so many stripes for any sickness? Why will you continue in your ruthlessness when He came to offer you forgiveness? Why will you die when He has no pleasure in the death of sinners? Why will you spend eternity in hell when He has prepared a bright and beautiful heaven of everlasting rest and joy for you? Why are you deliberating to give Jesus Christ the Lordship of your life? How long do we intend to continue in our stubbornness against God? Are you not tired of your sin? Why will you die in those sins? My beloved, don't allow the suffering and sacrifice of Christ to be in vain in our life? Please we must not toil with our soul. Eternity is real. Judgement is sure. Give your life to Christ before it is too late. Don't cross over into eternity without Him. I am assuring you; eternity without Him will be very dark and dreary. You don't want to have a taste of it. Accept Him today and escape the wrath to come! REMEMBER THIS: Judgement is sure. Further Bible verses: 2 Samuel 14:14,2 Peter 3:9.


About Unknown

I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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