Wednesday, 11 October 2017


EPHESIANS 5:21."declares "submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God." When there is an affection, it implies having similar feeling one for another. Mutual submission does not explain that both parents must offer in exactly the same ways. Our perfect example Christ Jesus, offered Himself to the church in one way as a servant leadership role that cost Him His life. And church gives herself to Christ in another way by respecting His leadership and thereby following Him. Obedience in the family does not rule out the pattern of Christ-like leadership and Christ-like obedience. It does not neglect those roles;it only transform them. If we must have harmony in our homes, we must know the proper role of obedience and love in marriage. In regard to the declaration of our text, "submitting yourself one to another in the fear of God." This shows that love and obedience in the home must be mutually stated by both husband and wife towards each other. The husband and the wife should love and obey each other. They should dwell in the spirit of care and humility towards each other and it must be carried out in with reverence to God. If you want to have stable peace, joy and harmony in your home,you are to surrender to one another as a couple without establishing to have your own way all the time. The scripture demands that Christian love one another with brotherly love. Love and obedience work hand in hand. Where there is absence of love,obedience will be difficult. Every person deserves to be loved. So love cannot be one sided. Let love be the guide in your home and value one another. When there is an upliftment of self,it brings problems in the relationship; for that crucify it. Here is the pivot of it all,when a husband and wife submit to and love one another; since they are mandated to always looking for the best in each other and respect one another, they become an emblem of love of God to others.


About Unknown

I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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