Thursday, 12 October 2017
TEXT: Matthew 5:3;James 4:6-10;Revelation 3:17-22;John 9:26-34;Isaiah 66:2;Proverbs 16:5.Let us answer this questions: What does Jesus mean by being poor in spirit? Who are those who are poor in spirit?. (1) Being poor in spirit does not mean poverty in substance. There are those who are poor in substance and still very arrogant. Someone may be poor in substance, who does not have any thing and still very proud. (2). It does not mean poverty-stricken someone. Someone may be poverty stricken and still not be poor in spirit. (3). It does not mean those who are in penury and starvation. There are those who are in penury and starvation but do neglect help because of pride in their hearts. The poor, simply are people who are in need of money to provide for the essential needs of life. Drawing it home to eternity, the fundamental thing is salvation. The poor in spirit is one that knows that he has nothing to pay for his salvation but depends on Christ totally for his saving grace. There is difference between poor in spirit and proud in spirit. However, you cannot be poor and proud in spirit at the same time. To be poor in spirit is to acknowledge that you have nothing to pay for your saving grace and for that, tremble before God:"him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word." The poor in spirit observes at the greatness, might and judgment of God and sees his absolute need of God's mercy. There are limitations between wealth and riches. Rich people cannot have everything. They may be rich but that does not make them knowledgeable necessarily. You may have wealth yet you may not be immune from physical or emotional pain. Some people are rich still lack wisdom to live and associate with people peaceably. Despite of riches, they are unable to purchase physical things with money how much less the kingdom of God and its wealth. There are people who are poor but do not know that they are destitute like the Laodicean church. Still by the standard of heaven, they are "wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind,and naked." When you acknowledge the personality of God and who you are before Him, you Will not be a proud person even after you have been born again; you will hold the character of contrition in your relationship to God.
About Unknown
I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...