Thursday, 7 September 2017


Centre verse (Daniel 11:11)"And the king of the south shall be moved with choler,and shall come forth and fight with him,even with the king of the north: and he shall set forth a great multitude; but the multitude shall be given into his hand" TEXT: DANIEL 11:5-12. One of the greatest pioneers of modern India by name Ghandi Mahatina,stated once that "victory attained by violence is equivalent to a defeat for it is momentary." The challenges in life,have shown that such examination has always been the inheritance of those who fail to pursue godly and righteous ways of achieving success. Unfortunately, many great army officers easily forget the reality that life itself is like a vapour that appeareth for a while and vanishes away and equally success in life is not a measure of any one's wisdom. When someone is intoxicated with inordinate ambition for greatness and control with the lust for popularity and vain glory always end up in danger of forgetting God. In the text of our study, we are given the image of the natural occurrences seen in ancient rulers,emperors, kings and generals. Ancient kingdoms always want war and seeking success in such wars with all the skills and military equipments they have. Their ultimate intentions comprised from increasing conquered territories and leving them with heavy taxes and tributes to build their own lands,gathering wealth and fame,thereby having slaves and servants for pleasure and sports amongst other self-serving motives. Ptolemy conquered Jerusalem by treachery and inordinately achieved several other successes. One of the king's son by name Ptolemy Philopater in the same way took his steps,defeated Antiocus de Epiphany and enlarged his own territory also. On achieving the success therefore, it arrogated his heart. History narrates to us that upon entering Judah, he moved into the temple in Jerusalem and the holy place that was against the law. On that single act,his downfall and destruction came upon him as a dew of heaven. As a Christian Pilgrims, we must avoid anything that does not give glory to God. Also in every achievement in life, we must retain humility knowing fully well that God has all the glory. Summarily, the actual achievement of saints cannot be compared with the material things,but it is often in the insurmountable conquest over sin and Satan. REMEMBER THIS: Pride goeth before a fall. Further Bible verses: Daniel 9:26, Isaiah 8:8.


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I am Ahamefula Chukwu. The Admin of CHRISTIANGOSPELNG. A christian and academic teacher. I am devoted to helping christians and students and I share my views and principles on this blog...

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