Centre verse (2 Samuel 22:50)" Therefore I will give thanks unto thee,O LORD, among the heathen,and I will sing praises unto thy name." TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 22:40-51. A good singer observed that she had cancer of the tongue and that there was need for surgery. In the hospital when everything was ready for the doctor to carry out the operation, the woman said to the medical doctor, " Are you telling me that I will never sing again? The surgeon only shook her head and said,no! The patient then requested if she could sit up for a moment. " I have had many excellent moment singing praises and worship of God," she mentioned " And this time you are telling me I can never offer such service to the God of heaven: I have a single song that will be my last. It will equally be of gratitude and worship to God our king. Do you find time to sing worship songs to the Lord, or you lavish all your time to enjoy life or to dwell upon moodily over your challenges and trials. Paul and Silas sang spiritual songs when they were in prison. The psalmist and the woman also in our reference of study offered gratitude and worship to God,despite their situations. REMEMBER THIS: The Lord is happy with people who sing praises and worship to Him. Further Bible verse: Hebrews 13:15.
Saturday, 30 September 2017
Centre verse (2 Samuel 22:50)" Therefore I will give thanks unto thee,O LORD, among the heathen,and I will sing praises unto thy name." TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 22:40-51. A good singer observed that she had cancer of the tongue and that there was need for surgery. In the hospital when everything was ready for the doctor to carry out the operation, the woman said to the medical doctor, " Are you telling me that I will never sing again? The surgeon only shook her head and said,no! The patient then requested if she could sit up for a moment. " I have had many excellent moment singing praises and worship of God," she mentioned " And this time you are telling me I can never offer such service to the God of heaven: I have a single song that will be my last. It will equally be of gratitude and worship to God our king. Do you find time to sing worship songs to the Lord, or you lavish all your time to enjoy life or to dwell upon moodily over your challenges and trials. Paul and Silas sang spiritual songs when they were in prison. The psalmist and the woman also in our reference of study offered gratitude and worship to God,despite their situations. REMEMBER THIS: The Lord is happy with people who sing praises and worship to Him. Further Bible verse: Hebrews 13:15.
Friday, 29 September 2017
Centre verse (Deuteronomy 29:9)" Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them,that ye may prosper in all that you do." TEXT: DEUTERONOMY 29:9-18. An American business giant, computer programmer, William Bill Gates who originally established his name as the Co-founder of Microsoft, the world's largest PC software company with Allen Paul. He was blessed beyond measure that he became the wealthiest in the world from 1995-2014. He has been following the generous strive of donating Huge amount of money to different charitable Organizations,according to the revelation of God to him. No wonder he was blessed in that extent by God. The undeniable direction to prosperity is obedience to God's commandment. The promise of His prosperity is anchored on obedience to his word. Giving to God must be out of willingness and with a perfect heart. For God to accept your gift and prosper you,first surrender your life to Him. Be a cheerful giver. REMEMBER THIS: God prosper those who offer willingly to Him. Further Bible verse: 1 Chronicles 29:6-9.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
Centre verse (Psalm 09:6,9)" In the morning it flourisheth,and growth up,in the evening it is cut down,and withereth away. For all our days are passed away in wrath: we spend our years as a tales that is told" TEXT: PSALM 90:1-9. He has a busy work place activities as his office. He was an assistant Director and Chairman of the company's Board. Everyone was looking for him. Any person who didn't had the opportunity to meet with him in the office will locate him at home. Almost in his peak,he was resourceful and full of life. One day,he had took some files home to work on. But immediately he moved out of his car,he suddenly collapsed heavily. He was carried to the hospital only to be confirmed death soon after with so much work left undone and many premises still to be accomplished. Regrettably, he was dead! " man that is born of a woman is of a few days, and full of trouble." Our text under study is Moses prayer,the servant of God. It was perhaps documented during the ugly wilderness experience of the children of Israel. Many of the people had sinned against God by murmuring. They didn't know that death was close and thereby perished without repentance. Moses as his manner of life,pleaded with God for mercy and to restore His favour,acknowledging how brief life is,just like a story that is told! Today, many people are living life as if they have spare of it somewhere. While God is everlasting, man's life is as short as a watch in the night. An analyst put it this way:" your life is like a blade of grass that sprouts, fades, withers and dies in a day." Our life does not belong to us; we must so use it only the proper way the owner has stated. Do you like your life to suit yourself? The Owner can call it back today. Be wise,remember thy creator now that there is breath in you. Tomorrow may not be there for any body. REMEMBER THIS: Spare a thought today about your life. Further Bible verse: Psalm 92:7, Job 14:2.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Centre verse (Exodus 17:3)" And the people thirsted there for water;and the people murmured against Moses,and said,Wherefore is this that thou brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?" TEXT: EXODUS 17:1-7. There is temporal or spiritual divine origin of every leadership. The Bible categorically instructs that we should respect people in authority. But in our considering text,the children of Israel condemned Moses, their leader,because of scarcity of water to drink. They raised a damning charge against him,that he purposely brought them out of Egypt to kill them,their children and their cattle in the wilderness. Apart from that, they were actually ready to stone him. However, Moses reminded them against incurring the wrath of God. He equally interceded fervently to God for the people and God honoured his prayers. Today,many without fear say all sort of things against leaders when they have some certain challenges. Rather than putting their faith in God,they become impatient and shift their hostilities to their leaders-- holding them responsible for their unfortunate situation. Such behaviour of unbelief and rebellion that are supposed to be the character of the people of the world are seen in the church today. The scripture warns that such behaviour will amount to tempting God. The Almighty God satisfied them. In so doing, He told Moses to go to the mount with some elders of Israel so that they will experience the miracle and know that it was He who provided the water not Moses. He equally wanted to show to them that He was still under control as far as the control of their affairs was concerned. Leaders are ordained by God. They are therefore to be honoured. Rather than criticize leaders, let us learn the habit of interceding for them. REMEMBER THIS: Impulsive criticism against God ordained leaders is lack of reverence against Him. Further Bible verse: Exodus 16:2.
Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Centre verse (Genesis 15:1)" After this things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision,saying, fear not,Abram:I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward." TEXT: GENESIS 15:1-5. To be frightened is the greatest difficulty of a largest group of people. The fear of failure in life is common among people. There are so many fear of man like fear of ridicule, rejection or being regarded as odd by fellows, fear of future: people worry over their sustenance, for reason best known to them. No matter how your background may be,you have nothing to fear as long as God is still on the throne. Regardless how challenging your work may be,you can prosper with Jehovah Jireh by your side. Let your confidence be in the Almighty God and you must not be disappointed. Fear not because God can make you accomplish great thing for Him. Are you frightened to preach Christ Jesus at evangelism? Are you frightened to be known with Christ among unbelievers? With the support of the Holy Ghost, you can do great exploit for the kingdom of God. REMEMBER THIS: Fear should not prevent you from sharing your faith to others. Further Bible verse: John 16:33.
Monday, 25 September 2017
Center verse (Matthew 5:8)" Blessed are the pure in heart,for they shall see God." TEXT: MATTHEW 5:6-8. God is holy and insists that all human beings who are His children should take His attribute of sanctification everywhere, anytime in their lives. We all knew naturally that children resemble their parents. Any deviation from that, it will assume that there is something wrong somewhere. Any born again Christian possesses the image of God which was lost to sin at the garden of Eden. Sanctification is possible, if not,God wouldn't make it an indispensable for entry into heaven. Do you know that only the sanctify will see God? Be sanctify today and you will abide with God in heaven,since heaven itself is holy. To be sanctify, you must take the first step of repentance for sin and become a saved soul. After the saving grace, pray for the power of God to destroy the root to sin from your living. REMEMBER THIS: Sanctification is an indispensable for entry into heaven. Further Bible verse: Luke 1:75.
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Centre verse (James 4:17)" To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not,to him it a sin." TEXT: JAMES 4:11-17. Gangsters were brought before the Judge for lack of esteeming the king. The first among the criminals was accused of locking the king out while the second among the group,although he took him with extreme cheerfulness locked him in. Who is innocent among the two criminals? Are you aware that sinners are criminals, guilty of not accepting Christ the king into their lives? A believer is also responsible for a dishonest act of sin if he fails to carry out the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ to sinners in the world. Don't be hear some in words only but indeed. The selection of accepting Christ as your Lord and Redeemer today is yours for the taking. The selection of living unconquerable life in today's polluted and corrupt world is yours. The selection of preaching the gospel to sinners in your environment is yours today. The selection of living a sanctified life and making it in the rapture,my beloved is yours to make. May the Lord guide us to always take the right decision that will lead to fruitful and accomplished life. Let the aroma of God's grace flow in your life today. REMEMBER THIS: Move,stand and speak...to the people the words of this life. Further Bible verses: Matthew 21:28-31.
Saturday, 23 September 2017
Centre verse (Joshua 1:8)"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth: but thou shall meditate therein day and night,that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written: for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. "TEXT: JOSHUA 1:1-9. Habit can be defined as thing you do often and almost without thinking, especially something that is hard to stop doing. Some of the habits for great achiever for God are:Training, from training we can have transformation from trivialities, reawakening from responsibilities, advance in achievements, increase integrity, nuture of nobody into nobility, integration with internship, nourishment of the new nature and thereby growing in godliness. Include here as habits for great achievers for God are- Accept the great privilege from God, believe great promises from God,consecrate great potentials to God,declare great proclamation from God,exercise great promptness for God,finished great project for God, gather great people for God, arise with God's people and go on,behold great places and go there,confront great principalities and powers and go through (Joshua 1:6) .Dare great possibilities for God and go over,execute great planes for God and go on,focus on the great pronouncement for God and go forth and equally go with great passion with God and grow. Therefore as a great achiever for God,you must take these cautions: Absorbing their knowledge assignment, burn the bridle behind you,conquer cowardice and compromise within,demonstrate determination and dominion to duty,embrace God's explicit word in His entirety and finally go on,go out,go through until you reach the goal. REMEMBER THIS: To wear the crown of life, you must have seven habits of successful workers. Further Bible verses: Deuteronomy 17:18,19,, Psalm 1:2.
Friday, 22 September 2017
Centre verse (Ezekiel 33:11)"Say unto them,As I live,saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked;but that the wicked turn from his wicked way and live:turn ye,turn ye from your evil ways;for why will ye die,O house of Israel? " TEXT: EZEKIEL 33:10-16. God posed an essential question to the Israelites. God is in the same way asking you the similar question this day: why will you die?why will you die when Jesus Christ surrendered His life as a sacrifice for you soul? Why will you continue to bear the shame and reproach of sin why He took our shame and reproach upon Himself? Why will you remain poor when He became poor so that you can be rich toward God?(2Corintians 8:9). Why will you be in the torment of hell when He has already defeated hell on your behalf? Why will you continue to serve the slave market of sin when He has redeemed you with a price? Why will you remain locked up in sin when He has unlocked the chain of sin and death? Why will you remain far from God when by His death He bridged the gap between you and God,offering you free access to Him? Why will you remain in defeat when He has won the battle over sin,Satan and the world? Why will you remain in the dept when He came to erase all your dept? Why will you remain in bondage to sin or Satan when He has already paid the price for your freedom? Why will you remain in guilt and condemnation when His dying brought pardon and Justification? (Roman 5:8). Why will you remain in sickness when He bore so many stripes for any sickness? Why will you continue in your ruthlessness when He came to offer you forgiveness? Why will you die when He has no pleasure in the death of sinners? Why will you spend eternity in hell when He has prepared a bright and beautiful heaven of everlasting rest and joy for you? Why are you deliberating to give Jesus Christ the Lordship of your life? How long do we intend to continue in our stubbornness against God? Are you not tired of your sin? Why will you die in those sins? My beloved, don't allow the suffering and sacrifice of Christ to be in vain in our life? Please we must not toil with our soul. Eternity is real. Judgement is sure. Give your life to Christ before it is too late. Don't cross over into eternity without Him. I am assuring you; eternity without Him will be very dark and dreary. You don't want to have a taste of it. Accept Him today and escape the wrath to come! REMEMBER THIS: Judgement is sure. Further Bible verses: 2 Samuel 14:14,2 Peter 3:9.
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Centre verse (Psalm 91:1)"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." TEXT: PSALM 91:1-16. Everyday,people are faced with security and safety challenges, because of that, desire shield. Like a new born babe who desires security from the bitterness of evil people, Christians desire protection from the devouring spiritual wickedness in the high places. Every Christian living in the world full of wickedness often warns from righteous living, because the hungry bloody sucking demon always looks for the isolated soul to pounce on. Any Christian who stays away from the protected hands of the Almighty God to seek security under cultism and families spirits are introduced to a fierce attack of the devil. It is not only hazardous but also deliberately misleading for you to live without the protection of the Lord in whose blood there is redemption. Stop taking cover under the falsehood of the world, because there is no security in the use of things such as magic rings,fetish band, charms and among others. Be watchful and make Christ Jesus your refuge and buckler instead of admitting your friends to deceive you into false safety of the world. REMEMBER THIS: Stop hiding under the falsehood of the world. Further Bible verses: Job 5:21,Psalm 27:5.
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Centre verse (Luke 8:14)"And that which fell among thorns are they,which, when they have heard,go forth,and choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life,and bring no fruit for perfection." TEXT: LUKE 8:4-14. The word of God which is the Bible is stuffed with some people who were mighty men of God because they avoided the anxiety of this life. Moses renounced the abundant riches in Egypt and valued the blame of Christ Jesus. Joseph the son of Jacob, ran away from Potipher's wife who was trying to lure him into sin of immortality against the will of God. He benefited a piece of help from God and finally was made the Prime minister of Egypt. Daniel opposed temptation which constantly confronted him in the city of Babylon. He abided faithfully to God and was made the best president in Babylon. Does your life have conformity to the word of God? Or do you pretend to be a Christian while following the care of this world. Do not be in the company of those who find it very hard to abandon wickedness like immoral relationship, internet fraud,occultism and among others. There is an expectation for you if you submit your life totally to the Lord today. Trust and obey Him and he will give you power to conquer the anxieties of this present age. REMEMBER THIS: You must forsake worldly lust and live for Christ. Further Bible verses 1 John 2:15-17.
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Centre verse (Ecclesiastes 3:1)" To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." TEXT: ECCLESIASTES 3:1-8. Time and the periodic change of the sea level does not wait for anybody. It is an ordinary phrase which emphasizes the desire for all persons to be careful how him/ she manages time. If we carry out an evaluation of how we spend our time,it will be totally pronounced to us where we are wasting away. It is mutual among some sets of people to spend their time in functions that nullify the fulfillment of the success and achievements of their desire. Some activities like home videos, computer games and among other time consuming activities have become crafty means by which demon confiscates the time of many people today. Don't be an unfortunate person that will suffer from this vices. Always be wise. Life is short, therefore, make the best use of your time as long as you live.Every minute is precious gift of God that is irrevocable, if wasted. You have to endeavour to use your time wisely so as to succeed in life,move ahead in the kingdom of Christ and improve your relationship with Him on this earth. REMEMBER THIS:God does not permit you to waste away your short time on earth. Further Bible verse: James 4:14.
Monday, 18 September 2017
Centre verse (Psalm 93:5)" Thy testimonies are very sure: holiness becometh thy house, O LORD, for ever" TEXT: PSALM 93:1-5. When some group of people were changing the appearance of Eastern Europe in AD with their barbaric wars,they threatened to complicate the misery of Rome. The Bishop of the city,Leo,who only prepared with his Bible was informed to have met one of the people and warned him not to put in danger reprisal of heaven by pillaging the city. The second among the group withdrew his military forces after hearing to the few statements of earnest petition spoken by the Bishop. We have different biblical equally distances of carrying out little things and few words supported by God to achieve feats. In 1 Samuel 14:6 ,Jonathan says that: " There is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or few." Afterward, Jonathan only and his armourbearer moved on to conquer the enemy that was greater than them in number. Goliath was killed by David using small stone, the movement that finally offered victory to Israel over the Philistines. The Redeemer of mankind, Christ Jesus fed thousands with few loaves and fishes. In our text,the Holy Ghost shows the Almightiness and power of God in His spoken word. No matter the magnitude of His word of miracle either few or a long sermon. The passage we took our reference Psalm 93, has only few verses but reveals the Omnipotence of God who surveys the affairs of humanity. Philosophies, doctrines and kingdoms have changed God's Word and threatened the saints. Still we are very sure that ," The Most High God is mightier than the sound of many waters, yes than the mighty waves of the sea." At all times abide and lay your trust in God and you will observe that you are protected. He is on top of every circumstance and situation in your life and family. He has the authority to change the apparent negative around for your good and His glory. REMEMBER THIS: Have faith in God. Further Bible verses: Psalm 65:7,89:9, Proverbs 8:22.
Sunday, 17 September 2017
Centre verse (1Samuel 12:24)" Only fear the LORD and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you." TEXT: 1SAMUEL 12:20-25. Fanny Crosby was a young little girl who became blind as a result of poor handling of an eye infection,she undergone hardship when she was a little child. She was chosen by God to have splendid advantage of writing more than six thousand hymns. Despite the fact that,she was blind, she served God sincerely, from her songs she preached to millions of souls and her songs are yet talking to us today. Our passage under consideration is reminding us to honour God and serve him sincerely. Always appreciate God for what he has done for you: The Bible says," for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son,that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,but have everlasting life."( John 3:16). It is out of God's love we are living. We must be thankful to God because in creation, He possesses us. Through redemption, we belong to Him. What actually can we say that hinders man from serving God? Why not serve God in truth so that where Christ is,there you will be also. Like the young little girl in our content, nothing should prevent from serving God. REMEMBER THIS: Nothing should hinder you from serving God. Further Bible verses: Ecclesiastes 12:1-3.
Saturday, 16 September 2017
Centre verse(Act 9:15)" But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me,to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and to the children of Israel" TEXT: ACT 9:10-22. In the olden days story,we were made to know that vessels are essential collections that explain social class,economic status especially in princely palaces. Vessels are utensils and household articles usually made for various uses in the house. Some may be designed products of gold,others of silver,metal or lower quality material. Each of this utensil is equally constructed based on the functions they are to perform in the house and also for different occasion, different guests and so on. But it is odd to observe a situation where a useless vessel becomes most demanding container to carry precious and costly drinks for guests and visitors. The life of Saul of Tarsus is a clear lesson of the contradiction of God's grace. He was born and raised in the severe discipline religious movement of the Jewish religion and trained to protect and propagate the belief of that sect. He was totally committed to become the most violent fighter of a damnable philosophy that does not support the gospel of grace. However, he had an unforgettable confrontation with Christ Jesus on his way to perform a wicked engagement in Syria, even after his involvement in the martyrdom of Stephen. A disciple in Damascus Ananias, was surprised from the Lord's message that he had concluded to use such a man as his instrument to propagate the same gospel which he had sought to destroy. What a figurative statement (irony)! How easily we condemn people and made a conclusion that no good thing can come from them because of a present appalling spiritual state. God's saints are the carrier of the amazing grace of God. Deprived of grace, man is no more than a violent beast like Paul before his dramatic change. Let us learn to be tender to God and to be wavering in His hand. Let us try to surrender ourselves fully to Him as a vessel and a voluntary instrument for Him to maximally transform us otherwise useless vessel into glorious instruments. REMEMBER THIS: The grace of God is a mystery that transforms the sinner into saint. Further Bible verses: Ephesians 3:7, Roman 1:5.
Friday, 15 September 2017
Centre verse (Ephesians 4:1)" I therefore a prisoner of the Lord beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation where with ye are called. "TEXT:EPHESIANS 4:1-3. An Engineer caring out practical exercise in either mechanical or electrical workshops must take the safely precautions in the workshops. If the engineer had gone contrary to the stated or given precautions, he would be at the risk of an accident and equally exposing others to danger. Anyone working in the workshop is desired to walk honourably of his vocation and must follow the standards of his profession. Are you careless? Do you think that you are observing the right standards of the profession or do you admit your carelessness to hurt others. Those who believe to be Christians must have the mark of real Christian. You must honour the word of God on the real Christian life. What is the distinction between you and the sinners in the world if you live as them. You must walk honourable of the Christian profession(Ephesians 5:3-5). If you cannot exercise authority over your life,you have no future. REMEMBER THIS: You must possess the mark of a real Christian. Further Bible verses: Philemon 1:9, Philippines 1:27,Colossians 1:10.
Thursday, 14 September 2017
Centre verse (1John 5:4)" For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world:and this is the victory that overcometh the, even your faith." TEXT:1 JOHN 5:1-5. Football players in one of the colleges once asked their coach the reason winning was so essential to him. He answered " because victory explains you. If you are defeated, nobody remembers you." The players were trying to hold up a claim emphatically that participation was what mattered. Doing your best, regardless of whether you win or lose: that is what explains you," the player replied to their coach. Few years after,one of the players, who was persistently reminded by a rival school teammate of theirs, now then observed that their former coach was right,who stated that in the strives of life, it is not trying alone,but the result of ones action should matter to every person. You can be a successful person if you have this consciousness of often struggling to win early in life. You should not be going in for any competition for the purpose of participation only,but just be resolute to win or succeed. Success comes through faith in God. In everything you do,so let all your trust be in God,who offers peace and makes you to triumph over the negative conditions of life. REMEMBER THIS: The result of every strive depends on God. Further Bible verse: John 16:33.
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Centre verse(Hebrews 12:17)"For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears" TEXT:HEBREWS 12:14-17. Some very insightful explanations of profane,which is our topic of discussion. Profane, or being profane is explained as follows: impure or defile,not concerned with religion or religion purposes, unconsecrated, not holy,unsanctified: serving to defile what is holy,to treat something sacred with irreverence and contempt. As Paul the apostle's letter to Hebrews points this serious hint to the life of Esau years ago. He summaries an essential warning to all never to neglect the privilege and opportunity that God has given to us through Christ sacrifice at calvary; neither should we deride at God's unchanging promises and other divine visitations in the church. Matthew Poole stated by given us unrelenting picture of that incident while pointing to the passage as:" Esau,...being Jacob's brother,who was most notoriously profane, who equally irreligiously despised the blessing of the birthright to which involved by God the double potion; the priesthood and dominion over the family, the blessing of the covenant, and being a type of Christ Jesus; he maliciously exchanged it to his younger brother, belittling and freely and fully make it over to him,all for single meal,the destructive gratifying of his pleasurable appetite. " The environment in different assemblies today shows the evil commentary of Man's life who has the singular immunity of inheriting Abraham's blessings but spumed them because of indiscipline, indiscretion and inability to measure his thought and actions in the light of future predictions. Esau missed that ultimate and irremediable opportunity to include among the heroes of faith. Even though he sought to repossess it diligently with tears,he did not succeed, because he scorned that precious gift from God. How do you handle sacred things? Always be sober and vigilant. And make up your mind not to be profane, inconsiderate person like Esau. REMEMBER THIS: He who sells his birthright surrenders his destiny. Further Bible verses: Genesis 27:34,36,38.
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Centre verse (Judges 13:24)"And the woman bare a son ,and called his name Samson: and the child grew,and the LORD blessed him" TEXT: JUDGES 13:15-25. Almighty has no memory loss. For this reason, He does not abandon His people in the dark to suffer reproach who seek and carry out His mandate. It has been long time that Manoah and his wife prayed for a child. God honoured their prayers by sending an angel to proclaim to his wife the arrival of Samson. The child Samson came out of their prayers answered by God. We have to learn reasonable lessons from this happening; She was an obedient child of God who performed the will of God out of doubt,questions and criticism. She was obedient to her husband and did not hide the divine visitation of God from him. The husband equally trusted her and worked on the message of God to them. In the same way as Manoah and his wife,we must trust and abide in God so as to accomplish His promise in ourlives. God will at times allow us through painful and ugly experiences that will finally lead us into His glory. The condition you are now in at this period could be the one that will accomplish your dreams. Labour naturally for women,precedes delivery and joy. The pain of labour grows unbearably to the time of actual delivery. Therefore do not surrender hope because your travail will turn into testimony. Cry to God in the day of adversity as woman travail during labour. Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of mankind did same on the Cross. You need the assurance of other people as everyone in labour does. You must be careful with friendly foes even as you play along with others. God will remember you in the same way He remembered Manoah and his wife,assuredly, I say,He has remembered you. REMEMBER THIS: Adversity does not endure forever. Further Bible verses: Hebrews 11:32,1Samuel 3:19, Luke 1:80.
Monday, 11 September 2017
Centre verse( Psalm 25:9)" The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way." TEXT: PSALM 25:8-10. A person narrated a story of an old woman who move from house to house across the countryside selling few articles. When she came to an unmarked crossroad,she would throw a stick into the air and move in the direction the stick pointed to when it dropped. It came to a day,she was seen throwing up the stick several times. Someone asked the old woman,why do you throw the stick more than once? Her answer was that "Because it keeps pointing to the left,and I want to take the road at the right." She kept tossing the stick into the air until it finally pointed the direction she wanted to take! If you desire God's guidance,into the perfect destination or making a good decision in life,you must have the right relationship with Him. Always abide in His presence and measure the long- term consequences of your decisions. You should be able to differentiate what is wise and appropriate from what is ridiculous and faulty. Be sincere to yourself and wait patiently on the Lord to direct you. REMEMBER THIS: Measure the long-term consequences of your decisions. Further Bible verses: Psalm 31:31,32:8.
Sunday, 10 September 2017
Centre verse (2Kings 3:15)" But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass,when the minstrel played,that the hand of the LORD came upon him." TEXT:2 KINGS 3:13-20. A good song heals the soul of the hearers. Fine music is the meat of the mind that nourishers the soul of man. Music is comely to the upright. It revives those deactivated and offers hope of existence to the faint. It brings inspiration to the ministers of God in the ministry. In another way,we have so many noisy songs in the world today and in different areas of fellowship that does not edify the hearers. The singers who has not been washed from their iniquity cannot give music of life to souls of men. Evil and ungodly songs arouse evil emotions. There is an immediate demand for saints to consciously offer an inspiring songs and music that will liberate men from sin and sorrow,and in the same way, edify believers. Every saved person should sing songs of inspiration and adoration to God always. REMEMBER THIS: Try today to compose and sing a godly song,and as well as reject ungodly songs from your hearing. Further Bible verses: 1 Samuel 16:15-18,23.
Centre verse (Matthew 25:32)"And before him shall be gathered all nations, and he shall separate them one from another,as a Shepherd divideth his sheep from the goat" TEXT: MATTHEW 25:31-34. Following literary view,our topic looks not simple antithetical but also oxymoronic. It is antithetical in the sense that it involves a combination of two opposing terms as gathering and separation: Oxymoronic because it appears impossible to have gathering and separation simultaneously. But it is the certainty from our reference of study; " when the son of man shall come in his glory... And before him shall he gathered all nations:... And he shall set the sheep on the right hand, but the goats on the left."(Matthew 25:31,32,33). People gather every single day for religious purposes all over the world. Especially in the Christian communities, churches and church goers can be identified almost on every street, inform of services, programmes and different activities are organised and participated everyday. The truth of the negative aspect however is that not all who gather together in the visible church on earth actually belong to the invisible church acknowledged by God in heaven. In every visible church that truely confesses the name of Christ today,there is a combination of ' sheep' and 'goats', saints and sinners, wheat and tares,sincere believers and hypocritical worshipers. It didn't start now,it has been like this even from the Bible days. For example, during the time the children of Israel came out of Egypt, many Egyptians who had been thunderstruck by the marvelous wonders of God among the Israelites, decided to join them too: from that single act,making them a mixed multitude. From that time until now,whenever the true worshipers of God gather together, there will be likely a mixed multitude among the people. When we cast our mind back at the time of Job,we have to realised that" there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them."(Job 1:6). Therefore it shouldn't be surprising that the congregations of Christians in the whole wide world today is a combination crowd of true and false believers. This kind of life will not continue forever. Having seen the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ in our text,there will soon be a last gathering, during which the real character of every professing believer of Christ Jesus will be revealed and the sincere ones will be separated from the counterfeit worshipers forever. The redeemed of the Lord will be soon gathered, never to be separated any longer. No evil doers like hypocrites, backsliders, careless believers Will be there. It will be an everlasting fellowship of all the saints of God who have faithfully fought the good fight of faith, finished the mandate of Christ on earth and kept the real Christian faith. What a glorious gathering this will be! Do you still possess the sinful behaviours of goat? The transforming power of Christ is still available to make you a new creature. Only accept His divine invitation into the sheepfold today by repenting of your sins and make Him the Shepherd of your soul. Are you already sheep? Abide in the fold. Don't be careless, so that the coming of the Lord will not take you unawares and unprepared! REMEMBER THIS: There will be great separation at Christ coming and gathering of saints eternally with Christ. Further Bible verses: Roman 14:10, Revelation 20:12.
Saturday, 9 September 2017
Centre verse (Psalm 84:11)" For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will be withhold from them that walk uprightly." TEXT: PSALM 84:10-12. The journey of life is fraught with many dangers. Many seek shelter from this dangers,although in wrong places: others seek their shelter in God. It is very unfortunate that many people have determined to navigate through this life without God. They fail to understand that nothing is as dangerous as walking through life without Christ Jesus who never fails. Actually, it may may not be cumbersome to go through life without human companions, material things and other things that gratify the flesh. But it is impossible to go through life even with all the comfort you can afford, while neglecting God and His guidance. From our reference point of study, David understood this point himself, having experienced the trouble that comes with trying to do things in one's own direction. Our Lord is the Rock of shelter for the weary. He is the Rock of Refuge from the storm,the Rock of Horeb for the thirsty,the Rock of Security for the church, and indeed,the Rock of Ages for all who trust in Him. This period we are living in has shown us drastically the instability of everything usually human,thrones, kingdoms, old established institutions have collapsed. But Jesus, the only begotten Son of God is the Rock that abides from generation to generation. When you really trust in Him,you get perfect peace!He is the prince of peace, our Buckler and Defender. Where is your anchor? Is it in man that disappoints or in God? Why not make God your Rock of Ages today. REMEMBER THIS: Thrones, kingdoms and highly established institutions will collapse but Christ Jesus endures from everlasting to everlasting. Further Bible verses: Genesis 15:1,Proverbs 2:7,Psalm 115:9-11.
Friday, 8 September 2017
Centre verse (Galatians 5:26)"Let us not be desirous of vain glory,provoking one another, envying one another. "TEXT GALATIANS 5:22-26. One of the games star was at the peak of his career in the world: Yet he desired to attempt suicide. He had this to say," I had won two extraordinary trophies before, as the youngest player. I had everything I needed,I enjoyed every material possessions my eyes desire... It is the same behaviour of one of the movie stars and pop stars who committed suicide. They were rich having everything they wanted,and yet they were in sad countenance. I had no peace of mind. I was a puppet on a string." The young games star by name Boris Becker was not the only person to have felt such sense of emptiness and seeking vain glory. There are a lot of people in our national theaters shouting above their voices. You must not read several contemporary life stories to find the similar frustration among people this days. Often be in agreement that there is nothing at the very peak of life,except in Christ Jesus our Lord. If your role models in life are celebrities, footballers, music stars and among others,then you have missed the high way to life eternal because you are living in the world of fantasies." Seek ye the LORD while he may be found,call ye upon him while he is near: let the wicked forsake his way,and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD,and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God,for he will abundantly pardon "(Isaiah 55:6,7). REMEMBER THIS: Weigh the long- term results of your actions. Further Bible verses: Psalm 31:3,32:8.
Thursday, 7 September 2017
Centre verse (Daniel 11:11)"And the king of the south shall be moved with choler,and shall come forth and fight with him,even with the king of the north: and he shall set forth a great multitude; but the multitude shall be given into his hand" TEXT: DANIEL 11:5-12. One of the greatest pioneers of modern India by name Ghandi Mahatina,stated once that "victory attained by violence is equivalent to a defeat for it is momentary." The challenges in life,have shown that such examination has always been the inheritance of those who fail to pursue godly and righteous ways of achieving success. Unfortunately, many great army officers easily forget the reality that life itself is like a vapour that appeareth for a while and vanishes away and equally success in life is not a measure of any one's wisdom. When someone is intoxicated with inordinate ambition for greatness and control with the lust for popularity and vain glory always end up in danger of forgetting God. In the text of our study, we are given the image of the natural occurrences seen in ancient rulers,emperors, kings and generals. Ancient kingdoms always want war and seeking success in such wars with all the skills and military equipments they have. Their ultimate intentions comprised from increasing conquered territories and leving them with heavy taxes and tributes to build their own lands,gathering wealth and fame,thereby having slaves and servants for pleasure and sports amongst other self-serving motives. Ptolemy conquered Jerusalem by treachery and inordinately achieved several other successes. One of the king's son by name Ptolemy Philopater in the same way took his steps,defeated Antiocus de Epiphany and enlarged his own territory also. On achieving the success therefore, it arrogated his heart. History narrates to us that upon entering Judah, he moved into the temple in Jerusalem and the holy place that was against the law. On that single act,his downfall and destruction came upon him as a dew of heaven. As a Christian Pilgrims, we must avoid anything that does not give glory to God. Also in every achievement in life, we must retain humility knowing fully well that God has all the glory. Summarily, the actual achievement of saints cannot be compared with the material things,but it is often in the insurmountable conquest over sin and Satan. REMEMBER THIS: Pride goeth before a fall. Further Bible verses: Daniel 9:26, Isaiah 8:8.
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Centre verse (Revelation 19:5)." And a voice came out of the throne, saying, praise our God,all ye servants and ye that fear him,both small and great " TEXT:REVELATION 19:1-5. Edwards Jonathan was one of the chief Employments of heaven, who was offering a thanksgiving message in seventeen centuries on a topic " Praise," he took his reference under consideration from Revelation 14:2:" And I heard a voice from heaven as the voice of many waters,and as the voice of a great thunder,and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps." He taught on the importance of praise to God as we are on this earth. John the beloved mentions that he heard a great voice of many people in heaven singing and praising God. He also had a revelation on the nature of God's judgement. It is simple that God has no double standard. The pattern He judged evil doers in the days gone by is the similar way He will handle people who live sinful lifestyle even today. Unlike the wailing,anguish and gnashing of teeth that will be the inheritance of sinners in hell,Christians who will be faithful and endure till the end will wear the crown of life which Christ the righteous judge prepared for those that love Him. They will be no more suffering; their activities will be the offering of songs of praise to their Lord and Deliverer. The text under our study equally stated that it is righteousness through Christ that qualify those who want to be included in the happy throne in heaven. It is educative to note that every category of persons will be involved in the maximum engagement of praising the Lord. The young and the aged,the small and the great will all be included in singing praises to the Almighty without the difficulty of learning the fundamentals and rudiments of music. Beloved, have a reflections on your hope of been in the numbers of the holy congregation which offers everlasting praise daily and adoration to God. Fixing a relationship with Him through Christ Jesus is the only option available for man. REMEMBER THIS: Praise is comely for the upright. Further Bible verses: Psalm 134:1,11:18.
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
Centre verse (John 12:19)."The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? behold the world is gone after him." TEXT: JOHN 12:12-22. One among the greatest privileges Christians enjoy is the unlimited access into the presence of the Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth and everything therein. Prayer of praise, petition or intercession bring divine presence. Our text today is concentrating on the mortify prayer to God by Moses the man of God,when the children of Israel rebelled against God. The mind of God was to terminate them from existence but Moses prayed on their behalf. Moses the man of God rejected the position of God to disinherited them and make him greater and mightier nation than they. Moses begged with God,asking him to pardon the people, depending on the characteristics of God's love, patience, long suffering, forgiveness and mercy. God honoured the humble prayer of Moses(Numbers 14:20). Intercessory prayer has healed diseases, saved sinners,raised the death and suspended plagues. God is looking for intercessors today who will take a stand between Him and crowd of sinners that qualify for judgement so that they can obtain His mercy and forgiveness in the similar way Israelites did. God is still looking for another Paul the apostle who will labour in prayer for the conversion of souls and also that Christians " be firm and complete in all the will of God." God is still seeking Christ- like intercessors who will pray for the likes of Peter so that their faith will not fail. God gave freedom to Jews from ultimately death and destruction when Esther prayed. How frequently do you intercede for your dear nation, leaders,local church, family, neighbours and also your enemy? You can begin today and start to see the effect of sincere and passionate prayer to God in the activities of men. REMEMBER THIS: Prayer is the heart's earnest desire,mentioned or unexpressed. Further Bible verses: John 11:47,48.
Monday, 4 September 2017
Centre verse (Isaiah 14:25)"Yet thou shall be brought down to hell,to the side of the pit. " TEXT: ISAIAH 14:12-15. A gloomy end is waiting for all who reject Christ Jesus as the Lord and make self the Lord of their lives. The declaration of Psalm 12:3,4, "The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips,and the tongue that speaketh proud things: who have said,with our tongue we will prevail; our lips are our own: who is the lord to us!" If you have this type of mind,character and language, you are endangering yourself and putting your destiny in peril. In our reference chapter, Lucifer for example, rejected the lordship of the Almighty and wanted to make himself lord; he wanted to exalt himself above the LORD. He found himself in a disgrace and damnation. The children of Israel had the same believe when they told prophet Jeremiah "As for the word thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the LORD,we will not hearken unto thee. But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth,to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her,as we have done,we and our fathers,our kings and our princes, in the city of Judah,and in the street of Jerusalem: for then had we plenty of victuals,and were well,and saw no evil." They got the damning verdict,... " because of the evil of your doings, and because of the damnations which ye have committed: therefore, is your land a desolation... ( Jeremiah 44:22). Therefore, the end of all who make self Lord, denying and refusing the lordship of Christ, is always mark by sadness and desolation. This is why you must choose the path of wisdom this day by allowing Him to be your Saviour, Shepherd and Lord. Give Him an opportunity to lead you through life. You will be glad you did! REMEMBER THIS: You will be glad if you allow Christ Jesus be your Saviour, Shepherd and Lord. Further Bible verse: Matthew 11:23.
Sunday, 3 September 2017
Centre verse: (1 kings 13:5)." The altar also was rent,and the ashes poured out from the altar,according to the sign which the man of God had given by the word of the LORD" TEXT 1KINGS 13:1-6. If we are very careful enough to comprehend a bit,the dealings of God with man,there have been occurrences showing that God is jealous over his righteous and faithful sons and daughters. Any time He sends message to His children, He back up them and ensures their security. In out text for today's consideration, we are faced with the story of an Idolatrous king of Israel, Jeroboam. The reason God honoured him and made him king of the ten tribes of Israel was a means of tormenting the sons of David for Solomon's sin,he entertained idolatry and rewarded God with his disobedience and stubbornness. God being merciful and loving Father, still gave him an opportunity to amend his ways by sending a young and fearless prophet out of Judah to condemn idolatry so as to prophesy the coming of Josiah, a righteous king who will stand up against idolatry in the land. Yet intoxicated with power, Jeroboam moved to harm the young prophet but the unfailing power of God struck his hand at the same time with paralysis which made him lost the use of his hand. What a regality of God's promise to His servant and a severe warning to evil doers. "He allowed no one to oppress them...Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm" Psalm 105:14,15(NIV). This promise is as sure as it is true today. As Christian and God's instruments for drawing sinners back home and preaching against operations, injustice, evils all around us and wickedness, we are not suppose to be afraid because He that is with us is greater and mightier than the devils in the world. God will not allow any evil personalities or any demon to hurt us as we are in the root of His will. Jubiliate,because the protection of God is sure over His Children. REMEMBER THIS: There is no fear for those who delight doing God's will. Further Bible verses: James 5:16,Exodus 8:8.
Centre verse:(2Corintians 6:2" ...Behold,now is the acceptable time;behold, now is the day of salvation" TEXT 2 CORINTIANS 6:1-8."Are you chicken- hearted ,Sam? When have you start paying attention to this? No Sam,no! I can't leave you senseless. You are moving no way. In fact,I've had enough. I can't withstand this. Up! let's get out here!" the words came out from Rosemary's mouth in an angry rich. She rose from her seat, held Samuel's right arm and pulled him towards the exit. Ordinarily, Samuel and Rosemary would have selected marble- arc hotel for some moment of sinful pleasures. But reluctantly, for reasons they couldn't understand, they concluded to attend an open- air Fellowship that was being held in the city by a well known international evangelist. Although they had heard so much about the miracles occurring there,they neglected such miracles. So that fateful day,they agreed to go and witness things themselves. At least,this would credit some new dimension to their fun,they imagined. When they got to the venue, they located a suitable place in the crowd from where they were sure to have a clear view of every activities in the place. But story took another dimension that evening when the evangelist made an altar call at the end of the message. He preached about God and His love for man and about Christ, His only begotten son,who shed His precious blood to deliver humanity from everlasting doom. The message melted Samuel's heart,he was totally broken. In his brokenness, he went to answered the call for repentance, but Rosemary would have none of it. She prevailed on him and prevented him from getting there properly. As she pulled her towards their car,that was parked across the road,she continued scolding him,Samuel, how could you be so pliable! How dare you! Have you easily forgotten the reason we came here?for fun! Nothing else. She apart out in utter disgust. "We are leaving immediately! In fact,give me the car key,i'm going ". Samuel who had been silent all this while, dropped the key sheepishly, without explaining what was happening to him. Rosemary boiling with anger,moved into the car,turned the ignition, and whisked her partner away from the meeting; away from the mercy and saving grace of God. They hadn't got far from the venue when they had fatal accident. Unfortunately Samuel died instantly. Rosemary was admitted to the ICU of a nearby hospital with serious injuries to her head and spinal cord. While on the bed the words of the evangelist came back to her faintly: Now is the salvation time turn to God; tomorrow may be too late.." Tears run down her chicks. She tried to pray,at that moment, her breath became too heavy. She breathed rapidly and then,she died. Death had come for her too. Don't delay any longer,tomorrow may be too late. Give your life to Jesus without reservation for is doing us good. REMEMBER THIS: You can't repent too soon because you don't know how soon it may be too late." Further Bible verse: Hebrews 3:8.
Saturday, 2 September 2017
Centre verse: (1Peter 2:1)."Wherefore laying aside all malice,and all guile and hypocrisies and envies and all evil speaking" TEXT 1PETER 2:1-3. There are two types of love namely vertical and horizontal love. The vertical love deals with our love to the Supreme being (Almighty); horizontal love is the love to our neighbours. A neighbour is defined as " an individual who lives close to you or near you"( by Advanced learner's Dictionary). But Christ Jesus in the Bible explains a neighbour as one who is in need of your assistance. Human beings are surrounded by many other people either in their workplaces or communities who are parading in sin or helpless situation,and thereby require help. It is disappointing that,most of this persons do not use this opportunity to display right neighbourliness. Stop malice, hypocrisy, deception,envy and evil speaking towards your neighbours. Always show kindness, loving, helpful and compassionate to them,whomsoever they may be,either friends or colleagues. Support those in need of you financial, material and spiritual help. Witness to your neighbours who are still living in sin and bring them to Christ. Bearing in mind that good neighbourliness is a treasure to high eternal virtue. REMEMBER THIS: Be kind,loving, helpful. Further Bible verse: Luke 10::30-37.
Friday, 1 September 2017
Centre verse: (John 12:19)." The Pharisees said among themselves, perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? Behold, the world is gone after him" TEXT: JOHN 12:12-22. A young person who was moving with friends, on one Christian festival periods, move towards a hill near their church called"Galilee " to look for Christ Jesus everywhere but could not see Him. They came back disappointed only to realise few years after that God is a spiritual being and people who worship Him,have to do it in spirit and truth. Our reference centres on the triumphal entry of Christ Jesus when He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey during the feast of Pentecost. People who were moving on the street with branches of Palm tree were shouting Hosanna, blessed is the king of Israel! His disciples did not comprehend the spiritual importance of the event. This occurred as it was prophesied in the book of Zechariah the prophet. Religious proselytes from Greeks had initially requested to see our Lord Jesus by involving Philip when they saw the divine power and popularity of Jesus. Because of triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the Pharisees were angry having protested of His fame. They were totally disappointed in their curiosity to stop His ministry. Group of persons who may like to oppose Christ will fail woefully. It was so unfortunate that, the people who cried Hosanna to the son of David were the same group who cried crucified Him few days later. The only thing that can celebrate Christ is genuine salvation experience and faithfulness to follow Him till the very end,not promotion, provision, miracle of healings and deliverance. Christian therefore, should follow deeper experiences of holy living and commitment to walk with Jesus till the end. REMEMBER THIS: Walking by sight is a limitation to divine revelation. Further Bible verse: John 11:47,48.