Tuesday 16 January 2018


    Centre verse:1 Samuel 3:13" For I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth;because his sons made themselves vile,and he restrained them not".  TEXT 1 Samuel 3:11-21. If the sanctuary at Shiloh was ancient Israel's most honoured treasure, Eli the chief priest did not show his honour in the way he treated his sons matter for the house of the Lord God. However, the Lord found no error with Eli for giving duties in the temple to his sons,Hophni and Phinehas,He upbraided their father for not stopping them upon discovering their vileness. Eli failed in parental guidance and discipline. It pains to observe that those who are suppose to be a models of good conduct in the house of God are the root of defilement. This obviously was a worse presentation of dishonest for righteousness. God had to intervene. The Bible says,He sent someone to warn the priest of the impending justice that would bring an end to Eli's priesthood and death, in one day,of Hophni and Phinehas. In the same way,family would also no longer be in the lineage of priests. Therefore, there was the prediction that Samuel would replace Eli. There are three central points to note here.  First, it is not sufficient to pretend to honour God on the basis of merely being a worker in the house of God. Second, God does not dishonoring of His redeemed Church lightly because "He has purchased it with his own blood". Finally, family and church members must be watchful to urgently discipline offended brethren in order not to bring down the entire Church when God move to judge sin;for" if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged "(1corintians 11:31). God will punish sinners on earth and in eternity. Surrender your life to Jesus through repentance now,forsake all your sins,receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour and live a holy lifestyle to escape God's anger. REMEMBER THIS: You must move from sin to avoid God's move against sin.

    Friday 12 January 2018


    Matthew 10:28 declares do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul;but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Whenever a soul arrives in hell,that person acquires a body of death. According to revelation, Lord Jesus took few people downward through a very deep dark tunnel that led to the center of the earth. Hell is a place of torment to every unrepentant soul. Originally, it wasn't made for man but rather for Satan and his disciples. However,as a result of  Man's disobedience, he has been a partaker to the share of hell. Grace is still speaking today. The Bible says, seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:Let the wicked forsake his way,and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him:and to our God,for he will abundantly pardon(Isaiah 55:6,7). God is calling man today into repentance. We can only make a change today for we cannot give account of tomorrow. Hell is an unpleasant place to go.it is not a good experience to be found there suffering.For these reasons,why can't we surrender our lives unto Jesus so as to preserve it for us.Brethren think about this.

    Tuesday 24 October 2017


    Judge not”  This is Christ command to every Christian. He is warning every believer on the common activities of judging and condemning one another. It is not following the principle of love when any person turns the Christian community to a law court and selects himself a judge or magistrate over every one in the family, in God’s family or in his community.
    The real believers have  new heart and a new spirit. A critical spirit that makes person to criticise and condemn anyone and everything around him is not the spirit of Christ. Love comes from God and the continuous state of mind that watches for others wrong doings whereas he overlook his own faults is  contrary to kindness, love and fairness. Seeking very high standard of love from others while he himself demonstrates low moral standard is not a Christian life;it is not biblical. After removing the beam in our eye, we can then assist our brother remove the note in his eye. After checking on ourselves, after true repentance, and transparent righteousness in our own lives, we can direct  and counsel our fellow brother(2 Thessalonians 3:14,15).
        Luke 6:7;Isaiah 29:20,21;John 8:26,44-47;Matthew 7:1.
        Christ Jesus has commanded us not to judge anyone but what is the meaning of this statement? If we do not understand the meaning of this statement by Christ Jesus, we shall not properly obey. Does it mean that we must never see,evaluate correct any fault others do? Does it mean that we should not hold to any standard of character, be indulgence and tolerate, accepting what any person do as right? Does it mean to cover up sin and wrongdoing, leaving somebody to his own conscience without correcting the person? No. We must appreciate all the word of Jesus together without interpret one part  to contradict the other part.
    In our reference chapters  Christ declares, “First cast the beam of thine own eye; and then shall thou see clearly to cast out the note of thy brother’s eye(Matthew 7:5). To perform that, we have to see and indicate “ the  mote”  as fault Christ declares, you must not offer consecrated things unto the dogs.

    Monday 23 October 2017


    TEXT: 1Corintians 12:7-11;Psalm 50:20-27;Deuteronomy 13:6-8;Hebrews 12:15,28;Acts 5:1-11;Joshua 7:10-13. Achan in early days of Israel's entry into the land of promise, Ananias and Sapphira came with craftiness,hypocrisy and iniquity to lunch sin and evil into the spirit-filled church. God quickly avoided the situation and the supernatural, soul- winning revival continued. There is a clear shocking exposure of a member's insicererity, hypocrisy and deception from one of our reference chapters: Acts 5:1-11. Ananias hypocrisy involved of imitating godly people, lying and deception to enjoy the praise of men,having a form of godliness, appearing to be righteous whereas hiding sin in the heart. His sin of pretence was to show himself to people that he was righteous so as to acquire position and recognition in the church as a devoted, consecrated, faithful and spiritual disciple. He was professing to have presented everything to God,he secretly withheld part of what he professed to have presented. His mind was filled with deception while his mouth declared uncommon devotion to God. And his wife agreed with him to drop their sin against God and against the church secret. The secret was made known to Apostle  Peter by the Holy Ghost. The word of knowledge, the discerning of spirits, the word of wisdom, gift of the spirit was in control. Sinners could not hide before spirit- controlled Apostles in the early Church. Where the spirit of the living God is present, and preeminent, there will be revelation, inspiration and power. Rapid judgment fell upon these unrepentant sinners who made up their mind to prevent the soul- saving revival in the Church. God immediately purged His Church to protect her in purity and power." And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver:and He shall purify the sons of Levi,and purge them as gold and silver,that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness "(Malachi 3:3).

    Saturday 21 October 2017


    Centre verse (Numbers 12:9,10,)"And the anger of the LORD was kindled against them;and he departed. And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle:and, behold, Miriam became leprous,white as snow:and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and behold she was leprous " TEXT: NUMBERS 12:9-16. Although a small member of the body,the tongue is known to be able of doing mighty things. The Bible declares that,the tongue is a fire,a world of iniquity; so the tongue among out members, that it defileth the whole body,and setteth on fire the course of nature... (James 3:6). Unguarded use of the tongue is wicked and it brings judgment. In the time of jealous rage,Miriam and Aaron talked against Moses, their brother, in the attitude that was bad:hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? Moses was explained in the Bible as"very meek" above all the men upon the face of the earth,"he was not in competition for leadership with anybody. This was so an irresponsible difficult task to his authority. "And the anger of the Lord was Kindle against them;and he departed." God noticed what they said and the consequence of their action was instant judgment as Miriam became leprous. The judgment was pronounce to everyone because their unbridled tongue was heard by all. Sin committed publicly should be treated publicly for all to fear and learn, even if the punishment is to be only rebuke. How we need to watch our statements and measure our words before we speak. Words can be compared as bullets fired out of the gun's barrel that cannot be called back. Whatever our situations in life are,we must be aware of the punishments of our spoken words, more especially our leaders in the homes, in the church or in the nation. REMEMBER THIS: The tongue is frightful; the wise beings it under Christ's control. Further Bible verses: Deuteronomy 24:9;2Kings 5:27.


    TEXT: Esther 2:1;Ezekiel 36:31;Matthew 5:23;1 Samuel 24:5;Genesis 41:19.Christ Jesus had made known to us the mind of God and judgment of heaven on anger in our interactions. Anger is an evil root in someone's heart that germinates evil fruit in person's life. Anger distract our interaction with our neighbours. "Therefore, if thou bring thy gift to the altar,and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee..." The Pharisees were only concentrated to external acts of adoration, they were not concerned about the condition of their hearts. The internal state of mind and character towards their fellowmen were not put into consideration as a vital issue to their worship of God. Whereas their hearts consumed with the fire of anger and hatred,they were constantly with their external acts of adoration. They were under the severe burden of judgment and condemnation for contempt and conspiracy against Christ Jesus, they were constantly on the act of their worship. God did not accept their worship. They were ignorant that "God is a spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in truth and spirit" (John 4:24). If somebody worships God with enthusiasm and very big commitment, still with anger,hatred and malice in the heart,Christ Jesus, our Lord has pronounced his worship to be miserable and his religion vain. It is more suitable to have the heart proper with God and man than to execute mere outward acts of worship. If,therefore, a person has gone so far as to bring his gift to the very altar,and should remember that somebody had anything against him,it was his responsibility to drop his offering there and go and be reconciled.

    Thursday 19 October 2017


    TEXT: Hebrews 11:4;12:24;9:22;Romans 3:24-26;8:16;Genesis 4:4."By faith Abel  offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain,by which he obtained witness that he was righteous"(Hebrews 11:4). The verse explains the origin of the life of faith. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17). By the action and revelation of God, He had made known (1).that in order for sinner to ascend into the hill of the Lord, he needed a covering. (2).that God Himself has to offer the acceptable covering; and (3).that the vital covering could only be possessed by the death of pure victim. This pure victim was the substance for the guilty sinner. Able offered his sacrifice by faith, believing that God was merciful and would receive the death of pure substance in his place. This is the origin of the life of faith. Jesus, the Lamb of God died in place of us. He is the pure victim: the pure substance who died in our place. Faith reaches its hand and hold the Saviour. Sinner is being forgiven and received by God,then he gets witness that he is righteous. Anyone God receives,He numbers to be righteous. Anyone who is justified and received by God also accept divine assurance in their hearts that they are pardoned, righteous and justified.